Thespian*: Human beings are capable of the best and worst kind of actions. It's warming to learn about the former ones from time to time. :)
For the content of your post, you don't struck me as antisocial (in the psychological meaning of the term).
Have you checked
this personality disorder, just in case?
Still unredeemed at the moment. ;)
XYCat: that was probably a language mixup on my part. I'm not "antisocial" in the sense of violent behavior. The more accurate statement would be that i'm very reclusive and i find face to face interaction with people very awkward because i don't understand their behavior and they probably don't understand my behavior. I mean i'm always polite, dressed well and clean but still i people seem to feel somewhat weird around me so it feels awkward on both ends of the line i guess.
HGiles: Have you gotten to a psychologist or psychiatrist and worked out a diagnosis? Getting access to proper treatment and help can make a huge difference.
XYCat: I have not been properly evaluated yet. I've been on antidepressant medication for some time though.
I'd get to a doctor ASAP. Also, there are advocacy organizations for people with Aspergers or on the autistic spectrum. They can help you understand the right questions to ask and find a good doctor who is knowledgeable enough to make a good diagnosis. I don't know any in the EU, but I know there are several ones online.
'Antisocial' means two very different things when it comes to professional diagnosis and common use. Common usage tends to equate it with 'introverted' or 'unfriendly', but as a diagnosis it's much worse. Don't describe yourself to a doctor using that phrase. The advocacy organizations will be able to help you sort this kind of thing out and get to a good doctor.
Antidepressants aren't good for all conditions, and can make some issues with social interaction worse. People on the autistic spectrum can have stranger and stronger side effects from medication than a neurotypical person. Getting the right diagnosis before taking psychoactive medications is critical.