You have my sincere condolences, Kaldurenik, but also my envy. You probably have some nice gaming memories with your dad, something I will sadly never have. So, that should make you smile, occasionally :-)
Also, thanks for your generous giveaway, I'll happily enter.
- What kickstarter game are you looking forward to the most (if any)?
That's a tough one. With so many KS campaigns aiming to revive abandoned genres, concepts and ideas, I have a stake in almost all. Wasteland 2, Double Fine Adventure, Torment,... it's a long list. I suppose the one I'm most eager to see fulfilled would be Star Citizen. Could it possibly be the grand amalgamation of Freelancer and EVE that I've scarcely dared imagine? Let it be.
-What genre(s) of games do you enjoy?
Another tricky question. I've loved Point & Click adventures from as far back as I remember loving anything, and they're still there among my favourites. That said, my tastes have never been reasonably bounded. FPS games, too, have been with me for decades, and have always brought me a certain satisfaction that no other genre could, especially in multiplayer. They've also led me to enjoy certain TPS offerings, as well as various arcade fliers and racers. Equally, I've always had an affinity for Strategy games, though it's often hard for me to define quite where that lies. I like real-time tactical experiences, as well as grand turn-based strategic simulations. However, I've never fully enjoyed the middle ground between these two...
In later years, I've come to better appreciate the genres that I was initially too incompetent to enjoy, things like flight sims, city builders, RPGs. In the grand scheme of things, I suppose the one genre that never truly clicked with me were platformers. And I've tried :(
- What 3 games would you want to enter the random roll for?
Given the above discourse, there is yet another genre that I've yet to grok - the roguelikes. So please consider my entry for:
- Legend of Grimrock
- FTL: Faster Than Light
- Divine Divinity
Hope that wasn't too absurdly detailed, and once again thanks for your generous gifts :-)