Posted September 26, 2012
Show of hands, who else is looking forward to the latest attempt at remaking Victor Hugo's masterpiece on the big screen? TBH I'd all but forgotten that there is going to be a Les Miserables remake, but I don't think I've been so excited for a movie since The Dark Knight. I read an English-translated edition of Les Miserables years ago (I think it was translated by Norman Denny?) and it's one of my favourite novels. Touching and believable romance, with a coming of age theme, and a lot of action, it's quite frankly one of the best stories I've ever had the joy of reading. And it seems like the latest remake will capture all of that. The setpieces look sufficiently grimy and dirty enough, the actors/actresses are perfect from what I can tell (Hugh Jackman as Valjean? Yes please!) and the production values look suitably grandiose enough for an accurate portrayal of the revolution from the novel.
Damn, but I am so hyped for this now. Anybody know if the older screen adaptations are any good? Perhaps I should just watch them too just to fuel the anticipation even more.
Damn, but I am so hyped for this now. Anybody know if the older screen adaptations are any good? Perhaps I should just watch them too just to fuel the anticipation even more.
Post edited September 26, 2012 by lowyhong