Crosmando: Oh come on, this isn't going to help you. The second gaming becomes a chore for you, something to worry about and procrastinate, it stops being fun.
Plus, the idea of a backlog "list" is counterproductive, you can't stop liking one type of game when you want to play it, and visa versa. Sometimes you feel like playing an RPG, sometimes you feel like playing a Strategy, etc.
bazilisek: Think of it as a memory aid.
That's how I use it, and it's great for this purpose. I still buy and play what I want and when I want; you're absolutely right that's the point of a leisure activity in the first place.
I don't know about you, but I can't keep track of my digital purchases without some kind of help. I remember perfectly which books I own and where can I find them in my library, but video games? That's just a big messy pile of ones and zeroes. Bought in bundles.
I just keep the shortcuts to all my games in a single folder.