Amez: I..after Winlolz 7 once AGAIN decided not to boot, I took the decision to trash that stupid OS and instead use Linux as primary/only OS (It was already in use as a secondary one).
In this regard, I jumped on a LOT of distros in my seek of the perfect one (Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Chakra, Debian, came back to the favourite Fedora, Arch).
The absolute, final result? Sl
ackware 13.37 (x86_64) I must admit that I was doubtful at first, but now that's installed, I'm not going to leave it. EVER.
First of all, it does a great job into teaching you *nix (And, man, the Slackbook is awesome!).
I though I was a fairly advanced linux user.. but truth is, I was not; slacky has teached me more things in a week (Including setting up multilibs, recompiling the kernel etc) than Kubuntu, Fedora and Chakra combined in 6 months.
Finally, IT IS completely customizable, moreso than Arch!
And, to be honest, I find Slackbuilds + installpkg to be far more fun/useful than apt-get and pacman..
Lastly, I found the distro to be extremely user friendly (thanks to the documents) and stupid simple. Try it, and enjoy it.
I've always been interesting in trying Slackware but just never got around to it. I've personally only tried a few Linux distros starting with Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Red Hat. Eventually as I became more familiar with the day to day use I took the plunge into Arch and Gentoo. I currently have Gentoo on my old laptop running Awesome WM which is nice because it allows for the old hardware to run faster than anything I've ever had on it. My main desktop has two drives, one for Arch and one for Win7 which I use mostly for gaming. On Arch I use KDE or Awesome depending on what mood I'm in. Also, for anyone looking to go into Linux completely on their home comp I've found that Oracle's VirtualBox is incredibly useful. I can run my office programs, visual studio, etc. like a dream along side all my development tools on Linux without having to reboot!