Posted November 27, 2011
Hello, I'm trying to find the name of a really old game I played maybe 10 years ago, I will try to give as much information as I can - it's a turn based strategy game, very similar to the Heroes series, there were lots of factions, I remember few and their units. One of the factions were lizard-like creatures, I think each faction had 10 units, I'm not sure, I remember the strongest unit of the lizard-like faction was a brown basilisk, there is a human faction, strongest unit is a blimp, also I remember an undead faction with a knight that could drain health and I think the last unit was a ghost that transformed into other units, there were also red and white dragons, and a dryad creature which transformed the land into grass after her.. Umm, I'm not sure how helpful is this, ask me any questions I will answer them according to what I remember!