rampancy: What brought that question on was that I recently spotted a
DOSBox Mac OS X wrapper that included a 3Dfx Glide patch, and I suspect that's what you're referring to (since it relies on OpenGLide). If it took that much effort to implement a volume slider, I can't imagine how must work it would be to restructure the renderer to account for Glide calls made to OpenGL...
Yup, this uses the patch that translates Glide into OpenGL, and it relies on overwriting a game’s own glide2x.ovl with one built for the port (in any acceptable Boxer implementation, Boxer would need to silently handle that itself). In later posts in that thread there's notes about texture glitches in certain games on nVidia Macs - not sure if those have been ironed out in recent versions of the patch, but it indicates the pitfalls of translation rather than software-level emulation.
rampancy: I do have one question, in part inspired by the latest EA sale - how does joystick support work in Boxer? I'd like to try playing Wing Commander 1-3 and Privateer in Boxer, but I'm unclear on how I'd be able to configure or calibrate my joystick.
Basically it’s plug-and-play: see Boxer’s help file for details about joystick support and the different joystick emulation options. Boxer doesn’t let you rebind joystick buttons and axes yet (so you can't bind a button to a keyboard key for instance), but it's very smart about choosing a sensible layout and automatically uses tailored layouts for certain common controllers. Support for 360 and PS3 controllers is particularly good, because Boxer makes proper use of the triggers.
Joystick support works very well out of the box in Wing Commander 1, 2 and Privateer. The original version of Wing Commander 3 has finicky joystick calibration that doesn't like joysticks with a circular travel (like a 360 or PS3 pad for instance). These problems are fixed by a joystick patch you can get from wcnews.com. A discussion of the problem, including a link to the patch, is here on the Boxer blog:
http://boxerapp.com/blog/2011/07/18/is-that-a-flightstick-in-your-pocket/#comment_6576 As a caveat: joystick support in DOS games will never be as painless as on a console or modern PC, and after a point there’s nothing an emulator can really do about it.
DOS games almost always need joystick calibration (simply because of how analog gameport joysticks worked), and many need you to specifically enable joystick control in their game options before they'll even pay attention to joystick input.
Boxer does catch when a game isn't listening to the joystick, and will warn you to enable joystick support in-game if that's the case.rampancy: Oh, and thanks for the importing bug fix; I reinstalled Rayman Forever, and the process of getting the game to be imported was a lot more painless than the last time I tried...oh, and Alien Breed: Tower Assault works perfectly too; that was one game that gave me a lot of grief when I tried to configure and run it after importing it into Boxer.
AB: Tower Assault fell foul of a bug in DOSBox 0.74 - it would freeze in vanilla DOSBox 0.74 too. GOG's own release of the game shipped with DOSBox 0.72 which didn't have the bug, and I patched a DOSBox CVS fix for the bug into Boxer 1.3.