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OK, so EA managed to lure me into trying out the ME3 multiplayer, thanks to this whole Galaxy at War business, and much to my surprise I'm having an absolute blast.

If you heaven't heard about it yet, it's a 4 player co-op mode, featuring a handful of maps and classes and three different enemy factions. A single session normally takes between 20 and 30 minutes, during which the players have to defeat 11 waves of enemies and occasionally take care of simple objectives within a time limit. The focus is very much on helping your squadmates out, all the XP and credits the players earn get added together and everyone is awarded the full amount, so it's all very nice and friendly.

There are 3 difficulty levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze is normally very doable, unless you have to fight the Reapers in a super cramped map, or two of your guys drop out during the session or something. Silver is a good challenge, and Gold is... intense. I've only tried it once. We had to fight the Reapers, and it was an absoulte slaughter. There was just no way of fighting back, we were just trying to survive for a few more minutes. But it was great. We were laughing through our headsets, it was so hysterical.

The first two classes I tried were an Asari biotic and a Turian tanky guy, and those were fine, but the class I'm currently playing is something else. It's called Salarian Infiltrator, but that doesn't really describe my guy very well. What does describe him well is the term motherfucker. He's basically a pure sniper, but not the kind that does nothing but sit around in a remote corner of the map all the time. What he does all the time, is cloak, run up to an enemy, and shoot him in the face with his sniper rifle. Actually, there's more. Because he really is a motherfucker, and because I need all the help I can get, he has an additional skill he can use to stun enemies. While remaining cloaked. He's completely insane and I love him like a brother.

I haven't really played online shooters for quite a while, so maybe this is a bit of a case of low standards, but there's just so much I enjoy about the multiplayer mode. There's this powerful monster that's called a Banshee, which anounces itself with a terrifying scream, making everyone shit their pants, or the Cobra Missile Launcher, which one can use twice per session, but which one somehow doesn't want to have to resort to, since it feals a bit ungraceful and dishonourable (unlike, you know, turning invisible and then shooting helpless enemies in the face with a sniper rifle), right up until the moment when one has enough of the endless onslaught of enemies, curses all the gods, whips it out, and blasts two heavy mechs away with one single shot.

So, yeah. I urge everyone who has, like me, bought ME3 for the singleplayer camaign to give the multiplayer a shot. It might just be a lot of fun.
Agreed. The multiplayer is quite enjoyable.
Salarian Infiltrators are insanly good. I am jealous.
Personally, I found the multiplayer to be more enjoyable than the single player. I have no idea how because I don't even care for the gameplay during single player but for some reason this games multiplayer was surprisingly satisfying and addicting. I really like it.
To my suprise it was fun for a short time although i was annoyed i had to do multiplayer to get better result in the single player portion. I do think though that the multiplayer mods will get boring after a while as seems to be not many mps that i have seen so far.
I actually think that the multiplayer is the strongest part of the the game. Still, I wish they could have included about double the amount of enemy types and maps.
Ha! Yep, I was one those "I want nothing to do with the multiplayer, eff you EA!" but I played it this afternoon and I had a sack load of fun with it! :) I was an Asari (love 'em) Vanguard and really surprised myself by not being complete rubbish like I usually am in online shooters...
I wonder if they'll have DLC expanding the multiplayer aspect. They just announced the free DLC "expanding" the ending to shut up the fanbase, I think they'll focus on paid multiplayer DLC now.
K0diak: I wonder if they'll have DLC expanding the multiplayer aspect. They just announced the free DLC "expanding" the ending to shut up the fanbase, I think they'll focus on paid multiplayer DLC now.
If they thought it would "shut up" the fanbase, they were so wrong. BSN exploded.

And there seems to be MP DLC demo at PAX, if I've read correctly...

Here's an announcement link.

”With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team’s artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe.”


Casey Hudson, Executive Producer of the Mass Effect series added, “We have reprioritized our post-launch development efforts to provide the fans who want more closure with even more context and clarity to the ending of the game, in a way that will feel more personalized for each player.”

Does this sound like "we can't believe people haven't figured out our ending yet" to anyone else?
The new MP DLC is free

very strange

Strange? I would say nice that they are not trying to divide the community. (Mostly the new maps I'm talking about.)

Plus everyone likes free stuff. Might generate more interest in the multi-player/co-op and prolong the life of the game.
They lost too much fan credit with the ending thing. First singleplayer and multiplayer DLCs free, well I'm guessing EA backed down a bit.

Don't expect this trend to last, folks.
A few more gamemodes woldn't hurt. We now have 8 (?) "arena maps". They could at least made a few of thoe UT assault type maps. I like the MP, but it gets old rather fast....
ya multiplayer is good for fun especially playing with people whom you know rather than random joins.