Posted August 09, 2013

One frag left
Registered: Apr 2012
From Turkey

vine toamna
Registered: Sep 2010
From Romania
Posted August 09, 2013
no winner?

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted August 10, 2013

Waiting a bit will let you know whether these keys are good or not, if they are good - then go ahead, but if they are not - contact Tremor and get a refund.

amok - why are you preaching in here, when the op has done nothing wrong ?

I do agree about it's questionable ethics but mentioning it is one thing, reporting it is something else....

amok - why are you preaching in here, when the op has done nothing wrong ?
And do you really think that if the keys are illegal (if Tremor is re-selling humble keys), then it is fine, and nothing wrong has happened? (Though maybe not intentionally wrong by the OP, it can almost be compared to buying stolen goods. Buying something it in good faith - when it is discovered that something is fishy - what to do?)
Post edited August 10, 2013 by amok

Registered: Jul 2013
From Indonesia
Posted August 10, 2013
So tremor is considered selling games to people when they're aren't really pay for them?

I watch
Registered: Jan 2013
From Denmark

Quixotic Knight
Registered: Aug 2011
From Indonesia
Posted August 11, 2013
Congrats LangurMonkey and thanks again SirEyeball. IMO Tremor's doing nothing illegal. I plan to do giveaways myself with gifts "bought" from Tremor. That's the only way possible for me for now.

Lone Wanderer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Hungary
Posted August 11, 2013
I'm in, thanks for the great giveaway.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted August 12, 2013
I do know that you lot do not really give a dam about legalities as along as you get cheap games, but the answer so far is that these keys are only available through Humble.
You can do with this statement as you wish, but if you got a key from another place then a Humble, then I know what I think about it. So pat yourself on the back, you are all doing great. Lets discuss semantics of the word "buying" and "money" now, as this will cloud the issue some more.
You can do with this statement as you wish, but if you got a key from another place then a Humble, then I know what I think about it. So pat yourself on the back, you are all doing great. Lets discuss semantics of the word "buying" and "money" now, as this will cloud the issue some more.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted August 13, 2013
And a final reply from Tremor themselves, the final bit being:
"We do have a lot of respect for Humble Bundle and the work they are doing for Gaming fans, however some of the restrictions that you have, I feel, are against the spirit of fair consumer laws and the very issues that foundations that you support are fighting for.
However respecting the sentiments of Humble Bundle, we will not be giving out any more humble bundle keys for future bundles."
Fair points all around, and very decent of them. Thanks to SirEyeball shedding light on this issue.
"We do have a lot of respect for Humble Bundle and the work they are doing for Gaming fans, however some of the restrictions that you have, I feel, are against the spirit of fair consumer laws and the very issues that foundations that you support are fighting for.
However respecting the sentiments of Humble Bundle, we will not be giving out any more humble bundle keys for future bundles."
Fair points all around, and very decent of them. Thanks to SirEyeball shedding light on this issue.

Registered: Jul 2013
From Indonesia
Posted August 13, 2013
So by Tremor can't do giveaway of Humble Bundle, GOG community can't either?
Then if I'm giving away Humble Bundle, that would be illegal?
Then if I'm giving away Humble Bundle, that would be illegal?

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted August 13, 2013

Then if I'm giving away Humble Bundle, that would be illegal?

Registered: Jul 2013
From Indonesia
Posted August 13, 2013

Then if I'm giving away Humble Bundle, that would be illegal?

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted August 13, 2013

One school of thoughts says that the First Sale Doctrine is still in work on digital "unused" licenses (read licenses, not keys) and if the new EU ruling is looked at in a certain way then the license may be seen as follows the keys.
A second way of seeing is that a Steam key is not the same as a game license. In this case, the license is a transaction between the buyer and Humble, the key in itself is just an "allowance" yo use a certain service (in this case Steam), and that the license in fact do not follow the keys. This means that giving away a Steam key allows you to make use of the service (Steam,Desura, GoG, Whatnot) but you are in fact not legally owning the game as you do not have a license for it, so you may use the service, but not the game (yes, it is strange...and I explain very badly)
These interpretations also changes from country to country, so there is actually no clear answer to your questions - it is a very legally grey area.
But in case of HB keys here on gog - Humble is clear about what they wishes, and GoG asks you to respect them on their forum. And this is nothing to do about any legal discussions, really.
(Humble very clearly asks you to not break up up a bundle, a bundle is intended for a single individual and to not sell / give away keys)
Post edited August 13, 2013 by amok

Registered: Jul 2013
From Indonesia