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The beta just launched, so I figure it's a good time for a new topic.

I personally haven't preordered. Not due to lack of interest, but due to lack of finances. But I saw the beta was launched, and a few videos have popped up on the beta.
- Lewis from the Yogscast playing the beta
-Random dude I found playing the beta

Since I can't play the beta myself, I've pretty much just been absorbing information from videos and some threads. Another thing that doesn't help, is neither of them really have any idea what their doing in the game. But whatever.

- The game, even for a beta, looks massively more optimized then Heroes V. Turns take just a few seconds and there appears to be little slow down. This was by far my biggest gripe with V. Even on a good computer, turns took forever and certain things simply didn't work right.

- I'm really, really digging the simplified interface. And what's key, is while overhauling the look of the game I got a strong "Heroes" feel to the game. Everything I expected to be there was there. Just in a different form. It looks much more slick.

- Customizable difficulty. Say you want to play on normal but make stacks grow at alarming rates? Totally can. Great little feature.

- Not a big fan of the city screens. But I like it from what I can see better then V with every town having a random spire for no reason. But it's still a step down from the old loving constructed beautiful cities of the older games.

- Combat looks slightly faster then V, which was a complaint of mine. But that could tie into the optimization aspect. Everything just took longer in V then it should have.

- I already knew this due to obsessively following updates, but I really like how every unit in the game has functional abilities that do something potentially worthwhile. Very much a King's Bounty feature. You can debate the worthwhileness of the abilities (I haven't seen many of them), but atleast it's an effort.

I'm sure more videos will come out for me to rake over. But if anyone here actually has the beta, feel free to lay down some insight. I'm keen to know details.
starting to loose faith in these sequels... i mean look at what they did to dungeon siege 3 :\ is it a part of ds series? looks more like torchlight :X
I preordered the Collector's Edition (mostly for the soundtrack, other extras don't really interest me, not even the "extra heroes"), but I don't have beta access because I ordered it from the "wrong" place, apparently. I'm not sure if I like the way the creatures look. It's much, much better than in V, but skeletons with dual spears (or dual sword angels); weakest army units with golden, decorated armor; and a faction of fish men kind of frighten me (in the sense that I'm having a hard time believing I'd enjoy looking at 'em all day). Have to wait and see, I guess. It could work, just as well...
There is no way anyone could top the third one, so I'm not getting any hopes up.

Number 5 was okay, it had good combat, nice strategy map (with too large objects), good music and simillar to Heroes 3 gameplay.

Stuff I didn't like was a slow inteface, needlesly complicated skill system, terrible ai and awful main story/missions (too trigger specific). And hexes, I love combat on a hex field.

With the info I got on the game, it doesn't look great but I hope to be proven wrong.
Despite being hot an' heavy for HOMM 3, V was solid enough and if VI is an improvement in gameplay and performance then I am sure I will enjoy it. Not crazy on the creature design or the new story.

My worry is for the possible spin-offs (funny how Heroes is the main franchise). While the Heroes games can stay true to the gameplay of 3, RPGs would not resemble the classic M&Ms at all. Who wouldn't want a 3DO/NWC M&M MMO? A Ubisoft M&M MMO would just look like everything else.
I'm still hunting for new videos. They are shockingly lacking.

One thing that bothers me, is I read a post that says for the beta to work you have to have a constant internet connection. Which probably means HOMM VI will have that damned DRM Ubisoft uses requiring an int ernet connection at game launch.

Not a fan of that.
Total Biscuit - WTF is Heroes of Might & Magic 6

A beta video.
Hmmm... No "real" towns? Hate that. I loved town developement.
Actual skill tree? It's gonna be less casual, but what the hell.

Overally it looks like a definite improvement to the gameplay mechanics, but how costy can it be to make a castle screen? Seriously?

edit: Fixed camera, thank god
Post edited July 02, 2011 by Fenixp
I second this, his WTFs give a good insight into what the game is like for the most part and obviously seeing a game before it's released is a good way to determine if it's what you expected and if you want to cancel your preorder or not.
I've now watched a bunch of videos, screenshots, art, and whatnot, and read bits and pieces of info on the game. While I still find some things kind of silly (what is up with those towns...), I'm starting to feel like the game could very well be good or even really good.

Having passed the shock of seeing Feudal Japan fish warriors and having actually seen them in action (as opposed to the profile pictures on the website), they don't feel like the worst thing ever anymore (I might even consider them pretty neat, now).

Maybe I can ignore the dual swords if I try hard enough..

It's coming out very near the start of my next semester, oh dear...
Do they still have their 'You have to be online to play (your) game Drm scheme?' If not, i might just give this one a go. I already own the entire series and i would hate to miss the latest installment.

Edit: it does look like you can play singleplayer without the intrusive drm madness, it also looks quite intriging.
Post edited July 02, 2011 by oldschool