Charon121: Depends on the terms. Once I bought a game for a giveaway that I hosted, but forgot to theck the "this is a gift" box before making the purchase, and I actually had to buy the game one more time to get the code to send to the winner of the giveaway. But it was no big deal, since I played that game myself anyway. I'm just curious – would GOG have refunded that game if I'd asked for a refund within a few minutes, prior to even downloading the installer?
Here's what the Terms of Use says:
Final sale A sale is considered final either 14 days after purchase OR when you make a download attempt for a game or its bonus content. Once either of those happens, you no longer will have any return, exchange or refund options unless you have technical issues covered by paragraph “Technical issues" above."
So I'm pretty sure that Support could have issued a refund or exchanged the game for a redeemable code.