Alexrd: They hate us so much, that they made a Special Edition for the first two Monkey Island games.
Which I'm thankful for, by the way.
The Special Editions were a quick cash in, the interpreter they use is the one written by Aric Wilmunder back when the LucasArts Classics line was released. The actual programming work required to lay the original game "on top" was negligible.
The artwork was all outsourced to a company in South Korea. The team from LucasArts did not communicate with this company, only sent them the original concept artwork and told them to redraw it.
Granted, some actual effort was put into MI2 as a direct result of fan pressure. They knew that we knew that the art was cheap.
They then used the proceeds from the Special Editions to fund Kinect Star Wars.
Only 4 classics ended up on Steam. They specifically modified the games so that they would not be compatible with ScummVM.
I can also tell you that development on the Special Editions only started when LucasArts found out about the short-lived Speech Project (the Special Editions ultimately caused it to close).
If they loved
us, they would have recognised the community. They know about ScummVM and they would have made their games compatible with it. They also would have gone the extra mile to get all of their back catalogue on Steam.
They also would not have
closed their community outreach program shortly after we started flooding them with requests to put their back catalogue on GOG.
LucasArts are dead. They are now just a machine that pumps out Star Wars games, and they hate you. Try and contact them about their back catalogue. They will ignore you.