Crosmando: Really? So you wouldn't have a problem say in 5 years if Planescape Torment became public domain and some hack fan-fic writers decided to make (and sell) a game called "Planescape: Torment 2" even though none of them had anything to do with the original game? What if that game was painfully bad, and PST's original writers (Chris Avellone and Colin McComb) could do nothing because it was now in the "public domain".
Why don't you look at an example of public domain in action, like HP Lovecraft's works in the public domain, and all the terrible video games (like the recent Minecraft-looking "Eldritch" or "Cthulhu Saves the World") that are able to use his works without understanding them, making them into light-hearted rubbish etc.
No, I definitely think intellectual property exists and should be protected. Public domain has the real danger of being abused by hacks and glorified fan-fic writers to take a dump all over great works.
That RPS article is pure commie rubbish.
Is that seriously all you're fucking concerned about!? Nerdraging about derivative works you deem unworthy of the source material!? Jesus, that really does put the expression "first world problems" into perspective.