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PaterAlf: Exactly this. This last boss is so much harder than the rest of the game. It's not even that I don't know how to beat him, I just simply can't do it.
Potzato: This I hate : a pleasantly paced game with a huuuuuuuge stepped up final encounter. This is what I call Extremely poor design. I feel your pain, mates.
By definition, I pretty much hate boss battles. Very few, it seems, are able to create a scenario that builds on what you have been doing throughout the game.

To this day, Thief, IMHO, has nailed the boss encounters. They employ what you have been doing the past several hours in a slightly different way. They lead you to a plot conclusion and allow to rest satisfied in the WHOLE game experience... not just the last 5 minutes.

Most games handle it, effectively, like training someone how to toast bread and then expecting them to be able to make a casserole with that limited training. Or, here, put air in this balloon.... good, now deep fry it without popping it. We can't proceed until you are successful.
Potzato: This I hate : a pleasantly paced game with a huuuuuuuge stepped up final encounter. This is what I call Extremely poor design. I feel your pain, mates.
hucklebarry: By definition, I pretty much hate boss battles. Very few, it seems, are able to create a scenario that builds on what you have been doing throughout the game.
Totally agreed. I might even add that it's in fact the issue with bringing any story/movie/game to an end. Messing that up may ruin the whole experience.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the witcher 2 for me the most painful was Draug after walking slowly though the mist as some dude without being able to save

I also remember vampire the masquerade redemption the final fight there was just bad when I did it ended up with the boss glitched and running into a wall and still spent 10 minutes killing the blighter
Any of the bosses of Area 51. Reason: You cannot save when you like, so if you are killed, you need to repeat all since the last checkpoint, and no have checkpoints before boss fights.
OH Yeah! One just sprang to mind as I never finished the game because of it. The last boss in Dark Sector, I loved the game, but the last boss was a pita. Apparently you have to chuck the frisbee at a certain part, but either it was my screen or too much bloom, I couldn't see the actual target. i even bought the game a second time (traded the first in) to give it another chance, but it was still the same.
Another vote for Crawmerax the Invincible. I actually beat him the first time by joining a random server where the other people killed him five seconds after I spawned. Underwhelming, I must say.

Also another vote for Dullahan from Golden Sun. Beatable but bullshitty.

Then there's Resident Evil 6. The bosses aren't particularly difficult by any means, but the bastards just keep getting up over and over again, which is weapons-grade bullshit. Couldn't these morons stick a few bullets in the bosses' brain just to be perfectly sure?

EDIT: And since I'm replaying Alpha Protocol, that Russian guy with the knives. The game is about stealth, whereas the boss fights aren't, which would be tolerable if the RPG elements didn't pull you under so badly.
Post edited May 28, 2013 by AlKim
The original Alone In The Dark had a pirate which some walkthroughs claimed to be invincible, but he is. (Nice walkthrough, by the way).
Anyone played I Wanna Be the Boshy? Sonic suddenly came to my mind :D
Here's a video of someone finally beating him after hours of trying. He makes the boss look pretty easy, though, but he's been at it for hours (the description says "After 10 hours", so, yeah...)
The bosses in Deus Ex: Human Revolution were the only ones I absolutely hated (normally I just dislike bosses a lot, but put up with them). In particular, the first boss (Barrett) as prior to that point, the game has been encouraging a non-confrontational style.
That final dragon in Two Worlds II.. It was done for if you had no potions stock going unprepared, and still a fucking pain to aim and beat.. -_-'
tinyE: EDIT: Forgot about Durial, I've met him/her countless times. It's easy easy easy with the Sorceress and a super pain with anyone else.

On a related note - that boss you meet in Hotline Miami, in the telephone building....
Igniz from King of Fighters 2001. Cool looking design but cheap boss. His special moves cover like 80% of the screen and even if you manage to block it you'll still lose at least 1/4 of your health.
tinyE: EDIT: Forgot about Durial, I've met him/her countless times. It's easy easy easy with the Sorceress and a super pain with anyone else.
Ninja Gaiden 2 on NES, anyone? I still can't believe I've beaten this game. So frustrating. I remember many angry screams while playing this game, and after finishing it I jumped and hit the lamp on the ceiling, breaking it and cutting my head on broken glass. Ah, those were the days.
Ares in God of War. Not only is the concept of draining each other's health moronic as it can make the battle literally go on forever but he also made this incredibly annoying sound which made me want to punch his face in - not ingame but on the TV screen.