Axiom: 4th Edition? Double bleah. Less paperwork yeah, but 4th is less about using your imagination and more about having huge lists of superpowers... that you STILL have to look up. And even quick combats take forever.
orcishgamer: I'm with you on old school preference, but 4th ed combat can go really fast once you have a group that's spent a bit of time together. Even in Dungeon Delves at PAX last year (where the DM tries to kill the party) by the end of the weekend everyone knew their powers and how to handle various situations. We did 1.5 big fights in 30 minutes (occasionally a group would manage 2 combats in the 30 minutes). Give it another shot, I really think you might like it.
Dhuraal: So I guess maybe I should ask, what made 3e and 3.5 so bad for everyone?
orcishgamer: Rules lawyering and the crappy content machine got amped up even beyond the 2nd ed levels (which were already absurd) there was literally so much source material it was impossible to play coherently and it wasn't tied together like something like GURPS (which has a strong core mechanic behind it).
Lastly the material seemed to draw in folks who liked combat and not roleplaying, so guess how most groups evolved... yep, towards combat only sessions.
I would say you had an exceptionally good group.
Funny, I've heard more people say that 4E is built for 'combat only' and it draws in the 'miniatures player' and 'video gamers', not true roleplayers. >.>
I'm going to solve the "what edition of D&D is better" argument once and for all:
We're all bloody biased creatures so the better editions are driven by our experiences with them. From a 100% unbiased stance, they are all different, with different traits that make them what they are.
The most powerful entity in the D&D universe though.. Well, there's the DM, but I'm not sure he (or she) counts.
A prismatic dracoliche with class levels of sorcerer would definitely rank up there, able to out power even many deities.
The problem is, it;s kinda up to the DM what exists in a universe and what doesn't.. as such, the most powerful thing in the D&D universe is the PCs. Why?
Because PCs can be created at any level, at any power level, their power will only continue to grow as they're in the game. PCs can grow strong enough to kill gods, dragons, and all manner of weird combinations of templates and classes that the DM can come up with.. and any good DM doesn't pit the party against things they -cannot- beat. (unless they weren't supposed ot fight it in the first place. >.>)