Jaytee: Hi Everyone,I am trying to download the gog downloader for my mac. When its downloaded it says that it is not supported by this type of mac.Im VERY new to macs so ANY help would be most appreiciated.Thanks.BTW my mac is running snow lepord if thats any use ;-).
I'm on a Mac too and the downloader works fine for me (although I think it has a lot fewer features than the windows version).
Anyway, I think it's more likely the type of Mac you have which may be incompatible, not the OS version. I would suggest that you contact GOG support and they will be able to help you. Let them know the info about your mac (which can be found by clicking the apple in the upper-left corner and selecting "About This Mac".
EDIT: If you are impatient to download a game, you do not
need the downloader. Just go the game in your GOG inventory, turn the "GOG Downloader Mode" to "OFF" and click on the part that says "Mac OS X installer" and it will download directly. In my experience this is no faster or slower than using the GOG downloader anyway.