livefree: Actually how does user created content work for an mmo, I never played an mmo like that before. I mean if it's user created doesn't that mess with the persistent world. Say someone can make a map where XP would be super easy to get or godly drop and stuff. Or is it like you can make content but it's very restricted etc.
Yeah the XP thing happened in CoX apparently. In STO it's heavily restricted though for a time was still open to abuse via 'clickies', missions you could accomplish with one click that allowed you to farm the daily reward on multiple characters. At it's height some people purchased the maximum amount of character slots and gamed it for massive amounts of dilithium.
All the missions are instanced and only accessed in the tiny shoeboxes STO calls space.They don't affect the persistant world at all and have nothing to do with the main story the devs make.
Finding a mission that's worth a damn is fun times. At least with STO you come up against missions that could give 'War and Peace' a run for it's money in wordage, not a fun thing to have to wade through in a videogame. Others that are incoherant or so wrapped up in some other players personal story that you don't feel like the hero at all.
Here's the thing, this system merely allows the devs to be even more lazy. They no longer even have to create mission content, just the world. At which point, just like in STO they can have the players pay them to make the content (yes, you read that right, you have to pay them money to be able to create content for them), So now us gamers are doing their jobs for them and paying them for the privilege.