Posted April 11, 2011
I'm also not sure I agree with the description of the Dreamcast as a "martyr" console. Mostly because I can't see a machine dying for it's beliefs or faith, as is the definition of "martyr", but also because part of the reason of it's failure lay with Sega's poor marketing of the thing. It's true for all of their consoles. To this day, I have no idea what "blast processing" is, and I can't remember one really outstanding Saturn advert. Many good machines have fallen prey to bad advertising and even worse management (look up Mehdi Ali and Irving Gould), though the community "fanbase" of those machines would just as quickly, and often erroneously, attribute the fall of said machines to conspiracy from larger competitors (Microsoft killed the Amiga, etc..).
That was long-winded and largely off-topic, but I just wanted to put a couple things in perspective for both the proponents and opponents of the Dreamcast.
Hell, even the 32X has more good games than the Kinect so I'll let you figure out the rest