Posted April 08, 2014
Any accessories one should consider getting?
What are the gaming possibilities outside of the Google Play / Amazon markets? Any GOG's that can be run on a tablet?
Oh, since I'm bothering you folks with questions instead of using Google (I truly do prefer the input I get from you all for things like this, though) I suppose I should at least leave a little something behind.
Hardware - all you really need is BIG microSD card. 16-32 Gig will be ok, but you should get fast one, 10class, for examle. I dunno if your tablet have USB host, but if yous you can connect mouses, keyboards, flash drive, but i dont see much reason into this.
Ah, one exception - you will be able to use gamepad then.
Apps? Dunno, but take a close look at microstransactions (in-apps) they may cost you lot of money.
Gaming outside of Google Play? you should check out Humble Bundle then, they have Humble PC+Android bundle and Mobile bundles -its pretty nice source of games.
GOG games on Android? i can say "no" for direct way - Android devices usually use absolutely another CPU type - ARM instead of PCs x86, so you should bear fact that Windows apps WILL NOT work , but some of games which is sold here DO have android ports, like Super Hexagon or Anodyne.
But from my gaming exp i can say that tablets is not super good for dynamic games, but they doing great for RPGs and games specially designed for touch control.