keeveek: I think quite the opposite. People requiring violence in sports probably have some issues :P
For me, the real beauty of sports is beating the enemy without using any violence, only skill
and technique. Unless we are talking about fighting sports, but then - I prefer karate than
some silly bar brawling like in most lesser MMA leagues.
Vitek: I actually don't like violent sports. ;-) I like hockey and occasional fight is OK, but only in
limited amount. My second most favourite sport is basketball. ;-)
But I agree with that video that a lot of football players cares for their looks more than actual
sport and that too many players dive as hell. It's biggest problem of football, IMO. It went so
far that even commenters usually don't believe player who is screaming in pain until they see
his severed leg and even then he will be probably holding his face in pretension of head hit.
I rarely watch football (soccer), but from what I've seen, as bad as the diving is, it tends to be limited to international play. The last few world cups were unbareable with the dives but every once in a while a ManU or Arsenal game will get broadcast over here and I don't honestly recall ever seeing any blatent diving. Thats one nice perk about baseball; faking an injury does ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to help your team so you only ever see guys screaming when they slide wrong and come up with their foot facing the wrong way. Tasty!