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Petrell: If over 10$ price points are ever introduced, they should reserved exlusively to game packs (ie. prince of persia trilogy, Homm I-V Complete etc.). Gog could change their price points to 5, 7,5 and 10$. Only problem is they'd probably have to renegotiate all their deals to change the prices.

Why should they renegotiate?
If they don't change the pricing of the currently available titles and the titles they already agreed upon to release, new pricing only is valid for new deals.
It could also be possible they will use new pricing in promos.
For instance 2 $9.99 games for $14.99.
All we can do is wait and see.
So far GOG provided us with good value for our money.
That's part of theirs and CDP's business strategy.
So far it was successful, so we why should we expect it to change?
Petrell: If over 10$ price points are ever introduced, they should reserved exlusively to game packs (ie. prince of persia trilogy, Homm I-V Complete etc.). Gog could change their price points to 5, 7,5 and 10$. Only problem is they'd probably have to renegotiate all their deals to change the prices.
HertogJan: Why should they renegotiate?
If they don't change the pricing of the currently available titles and the titles they already agreed upon to release, new pricing only is valid for new deals.

Well I did say change pricing points not add new ones so all games currently at 5.99 would be changed to either 4.99 or 7.49 but yes, they could also add them as well. Even if added as new price points there would probably be some renegotiating as some publishers would want to change their games prices.
I'd rather have good games available on GOG for $15/20 than not at all. Simple as that.
I'm not sure why people think that could mean they'll overprice stuff. Remember the reason GOG games have no DRM? Because that's not stopping anyone from not paying for the games. Offering good value for money is what's going to get people to buy them regardless.
pkt-zer0: I'd rather have good games available on GOG for $15/20 than not at all. Simple as that.
I'm not sure why people think that could mean they'll overprice stuff. Remember the reason GOG games have no DRM? Because that's not stopping anyone from not paying for the games. Offering good value for money is what's going to get people to buy them regardless.

It's a matter of logic. Steam used to have dollar prices only and many games were sold at the standard $50. Then one publisher started to increase the price to $60&$70 for some games in the EU (WITHOUT taxes!!!) and others soon followed. It's more a matter of "hey, they can do it, so we could try to do it as well". That's how it's always gone with these large publishers and they could put GOG under pressure if they made some games more expensive to increase the price on older games as well.
ESPECIALLY on popular games that now sell very well at $7.
pkt-zer0: I'd rather have good games available on GOG for $15/20 than not at all. Simple as that.
I'm not sure why people think that could mean they'll overprice stuff. Remember the reason GOG games have no DRM? Because that's not stopping anyone from not paying for the games. Offering good value for money is what's going to get people to buy them regardless.
Red_Avatar: It's a matter of logic. Steam used to have dollar prices only and many games were sold at the standard $50. Then one publisher started to increase the price to $60&$70 for some games in the EU (WITHOUT taxes!!!) and others soon followed. It's more a matter of "hey, they can do it, so we could try to do it as well". That's how it's always gone with these large publishers and they could put GOG under pressure if they made some games more expensive to increase the price on older games as well.
ESPECIALLY on popular games that now sell very well at $7.

I will point you to Mikee's post in the "Good Game Pricing, a lost art?" thread, which pretty much explains why GOG is not Steam when it comes to pricing and value for the dollar:
Unlike Valve/Steam, GOG is a company with integrity that understands the publishers aren't the ones signing their paychecks, its their customers who buy the products they sell. They will always fight for getting us the best value for our dollar (since that is what keeps us coming back and spending our money), even if that means they have to refuse to deal with a publisher due to unreasonable demands. Perhaps that will hurt GOG in the long run, I prefer to think it will only help them retain a loyal customer base and force the publishers to do business the GOG way.
Some of the most ancient games here I do think are overpriced at $5.99; a $1.99 or $2.99 price point would be good for some of those if GOG can't bundle several into $5.99 packs.
Adding $12.99/$14.99/$19.99? Well, I'd skipped HoMM and M&M in favor of other games, but when the promo of "buy 'em all for $20" came out, that became good enough value to pick them up and add them to the game queue. So really good value bundles would be the rare exception to me buying something for more than $9.99. Even at $9.99 for a single game, I have to be pretty well convinced ahead of time that I'm going to like it before purchasing.
The thing is, I'm sure GOG would be able to say "hey, this game is only going to sell well at a $5.99 price point, pricing it higher would be ridiculous."
We've seen some games that are $5.99 but to me, that's too expensive for 14mb. We've seen some games that are $9.99 but some people felt something like $7.99-$6.99 might be better.
And there are some games here that I would have been willing to pay upwards of $20 for.
I wouldn't mind a $14.99 price point, if the game had true value or if it was a multi-game collection. But like others have said, just look at Ubisoft. I'm sure they would jump on this and all of their releases from that point forward would be $14.99. I see all kinds of newer Ubisoft games selling in jewel cases for $9.99. Titles such as Rainbow Six: Vegas and both G.R.A.W. games. Yet they want to sell older games here for the same $9.99.
The biggest concern that I have, and it's already been brought up. Is once higher prices are introduced, the $5.99 price point will be forgotton about for new releases. Just look at XBLA for an example. Ever since 1600 point games were introduced, more games are released at 1200 points than 400.
I like the current price structure. Anything over $10 is not an impulse buy. And usually when I think about it, I don't buy.
Post edited January 29, 2010 by mogamer
mogamer: The biggest concern that I have, and it's already been brought up. Is once higher prices are introduced, the $5.99 price point will be forgotton about for new releases. Just look at XBLA for an example. Ever since 1600 point games were introduced, more games are released at 1200 points than 400.
If that were the case Gabriel Knight and Arcanum would not be $5.99. $5.99 would not exist
mogamer: The biggest concern that I have, and it's already been brought up. Is once higher prices are introduced, the $5.99 price point will be forgotton about for new releases. Just look at XBLA for an example. Ever since 1600 point games were introduced, more games are released at 1200 points than 400.
Weclock: If that were the case Gabriel Knight and Arcanum would not be $5.99. $5.99 would not exist

Well GOG doesn't have anything over $9.99 either.
mogamer: Well GOG doesn't have anything over $9.99 either.
Regardless, this behavior of choosing the highest price point "because they can" does not exist, you're making things up, you paranoid
mogamer: Well GOG doesn't have anything over $9.99 either.
Weclock: Regardless, this behavior of choosing the highest price point "because they can" does not exist, you're making things up, you paranoid

Wec's right, you can't argue with that logic. If they were taking the higher price point just because they can, then nothing would be $5.99, it would all be $9.99. It is obvious that GOG does exercise some control over the pricing. They know what we are and aren't willing to pay for these games and what we consider a good value, so we can be reasonably sure that when they do add the higher price point (it is no longer a case of "if"), that they will not only make sure the publishers don't abuse it, they will also make sure it is worth it to us.
mogamer: Well GOG doesn't have anything over $9.99 either.
Weclock: Regardless, this behavior of choosing the highest price point "because they can" does not exist, you're making things up, you paranoid

My example with XBLA shows higher price points being more common and not the highest price point. Notice I said there are more 1200 point games being released than 400 point games. Yet the top end is 1600 points and some 400 point games have been released recently. My thought is that more games will go to higher price points and not the highest. With only two price points currently, it's harder to move up pricing for many titles. But with three or four price points, it would be easier to relase a game at $7.99 or $9.99. Those prices would be below the $14.99 point that is being mentioned.
Besides I'm not paranoid. I'm lazy. It's easier not to trust anyone!
cogadh: Wec's right, you can't argue with that logic. If they were taking the higher price point just because they can, then nothing would be $5.99, it would all be $9.99. It is obvious that GOG does exercise some control over the pricing. They know what we are and aren't willing to pay for these games and what we consider a good value, so we can be reasonably sure that when they do add the higher price point (it is no longer a case of "if"), that they will not only make sure the publishers don't abuse it, they will also make sure it is worth it to us.

It's not a question on nothing it's a question of less.
A price point higher than $9.99 will mean less games at $9.99 will be coming to catalogue.
A price point between $5.99 and $9.99 will mean less games at $5.99 will be coming to catalogue.
Don't get me wrong, the vast majority of games i got from gog, i would've got them anyway if they were a couple of bucks more expensive. A couple of bucks don't mean anything to me when it comes to buying a game, specially on gog but not only on gog.
But i do think it's always a bit of a trade off. Probably some games that still haven't got here will stand a better chance of doing so with more pricing options. On the other hand we're bound to get some games with a higher price tag than we would of if the current 2 price points were maintained.
It's not a question of all publishers will point to a higher price point, it's a question of some publishers, with some games, will inevitabily do so.
Does that bother me ? Not a bit. Is the trade off worth it from where i stand ? Asbolutely, if it means more games on catalogue.
But judging by the ammount of 'complaining' we already get in every other release thread regarding prices over a couple of bucks, i have to wonder how much it will put off others when it's time to reach for the CC.
And looking at Ubi's prices, for instance, i'd argue that the control gog exercises in regards to choosing a price point for a particular game it's far from absolute.
Sorry guys but if games goes upper to $9.99 its too much for me, companies wanting to sell their old games here at high price, should try to create new original games instead. If they want money they have to actually produce something worth buying instead of living out of old licences.
Post edited January 29, 2010 by Narakir