Half-Life Complete pack for $9.99. Is this happening for real? C'mon you owe to yourself to play this series, even the first Half-Life (don't play the shitty Source version, though).
Eschalon Book I $3.74
Eschalon Book II $4.99
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer $2.50
I'm really eyeing Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines $13.39, this doesn't get discounted often right? Even if $7.50 or so would be way more appropriate for its age... hoping it goes to daily.
Fantasysci5: but I don't want to spend all the money!!
Same here... arghhh, but I won't buy packs for now as they cost too much, only if they go to daily deals.
I must say this sale is not that impressive though. Damn what I'm really missing is those lovely $5 indie packs.
Arteveld: See, i don't like the idea of working around a store, to buy something. Actually, that's what made me come to GOG, beside the oldies that is. They treat everyone the same. But, you know, i may just be a crazed lunatic.. ;D
Ditto. I like GOG because of this.
And I hate this concept of the customer working around a store, not the other way; like having to use proxies, or going from US to UK store, or whatever. It's the stores who should and must fight for the client.