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I'm in. Thanks for the giveaway.

What makes me feel old is being in the presence with students. When I'm with friends my age I notice I'm stil lvery young at heart when compared to them, far away from starting a family, quite playful and still an okay drinker. But last week for instance I ended up at a party for students and what I saw there both shocked and amused me. Binge-drinking, drunk hook-ups of which you could see fromf ar away both parties would regret it very soon and that's when it struck me. I wasn't part of that crowd anymore, no matter how young at heart I am.

So then I went home, ate some Chocos cornflakes and watched some old Beast Wars episodes.
I sure know that feeling as recently when I went abroad for my Masters where I stayed all the other students were youngsters just starting their Bachelor's degree. My roommate one time decided to introduce me to some new music called Dubstep, while he was playing song after song in hopes of finding something that appeals to me it just sounded like garbled noise to me. I realized that I may have finally aged enough to know what my parents were talking about when they said that all the loud music gives them a headache. Another thing I was wary of were the late night sessions which my roommate had with his friends while I was trying to sleep with a pillow over my head, I reprimanded them a few times just like my folks used to scold us when we were kids to keep it down.

Thanks a lot for this giveaway and the sad reminder of my age DireRabbit, please do count me in with a chance as well. :)
Aveweto: you already had telephones back then? :P
Momo1991: Well when I was really little we had to use strings and cans but technology moves soooo quickly ;-p
ooh i remember those times, they were fun
Please respect the fucking filter. I can't block "ga".
justanoldgamer: Tonight at the bar I was in, the barmaid did not know who The Doors are.
Just wow!
And they had a reunion in 2000 and 2011. Surely the media would have said something about them....
Thanks for your generosity, DireRabbit! Please, count me in for <span class="bold">wolfsrain</span>, if that's OK. ;)

Umm, each time GOG releases a really old game and I realize I played it or read a review about it at the time...

.. so plenty of opportunities here to feel myself old. :D
on topic but already outdated:
Starmaker: Please respect the fucking filter. I can't block "ga".
I'm sorry, Starmaker (I always respect the filter, btw) but this comment in the context of this giveaway totally made me guffaw at the thought of "Get off my lawn, you little brats!"

I hope you can find the humor in it too... :-D

Seriously, we need to have a comprehensive list of "Ways to be a good GOG forum member" and make sure it's sent to every new account...
Starmaker: Please respect the fucking filter. I can't block "ga".
Momo1991: I'm sorry, Starmaker (I always respect the filter, btw) but this comment in the context of this giveaway totally made me guffaw at the thought of "Get off my lawn, you little brats!"

I hope you can find the humor in it too... :-D

Seriously, we need to have a comprehensive list of "Ways to be a good GOG forum member" and make sure it's sent to every new account...
How about we just banish people to that island over there?
...yknow - the one with the prickly arsed pears and snozzcumbers!
Sachys: snozzcumbers!
Now that made me feel old. Never read the book, but saw the beautiful animation picture.
Internet out until today. gah! Not fun, especially with old, barely functional phone with tiny, unreadable screen. Couldn't post until now.

Got some great responses, many of which I can relate to.

Will pick a random winner tomorrow evening at some point. :)
All hail iphgix, the new mighty evil overlord!

PM has been sent. I hope the game is enjoyed. :)
Thanks man, of course I remember when this game first came out, so THIS is what is making me feel old today.
Thanks again for the Old but Gold giveaway DireRabbit and congrats to iphgix. :)
Thanks to DireRabbit for the generosity, a big thank you to Thespian for entering for me and congrats to iphgix for the win.