ViolatorX: Think every city should have a gladiator style pit people can go to solve their issues with one another pending a contract signing between both parties, Will give the gangs/chavs a legal way to beat the crap out of eachother and would probably slash domestic crime as people just exchange in fisticuffs instead of with guns/knives etc, Also will be sure to attract desperate d-grade celebs in a futile bid to get some more tv time.
Add a few basic rules and have a ref to keep the death toll to none/minimum and could be something to bet on like the old days.
Now this one I can get behind. This one I'd love.
Whatever happened to the day of fist to fist, hand to hand beatdowns, absolute brawls to settle disputes? Not this "I'm gonna jump you with a gun and some buddies" bullcrap? If people have a problem with settling disputes peacefully, then as long as they beat the crap out of each other the old fashioned way to settle it (no weapons, brass knuckles, or anything) then great. I don't like violence but sometimes bad guys just need a good punch in the face.
Virama: I would go for a Politician's war day.
Basically - once a year, whatever country is at war with each other MUST get all the people responsible for the war and throw them in a ring and watch them beat each other to death. There must be one person left at the end, no other rules apply.
Then the winner gets a wooden spoon and a free flight home.
I rather like this idea. Oh, and the soldiers of each side must be paid on that day as well as given free live TV viewing of the battle and the proceeds of the gambling that happens goes directly to research for AIDS / Cancer / growing new limbs on rodents.
I can also get behind this one for those corrupt politicians out there and stupid leaders that start stupid wars and don't take care of their people.