ZebTm: I just don't think the overlap of browser gamers and people that want a deep sophisticated 4X is that big.
mahks: When I started this project I had to make a decision. Would I learn C or the web languages. My thinking was that since I wanted to have human opponents rather than AI, the web would seem like a good place to find them. Distribution would also be easier. Don't think things like steam were around back then, if they were I had not heard about them.
I think when people hear "browser based" they assume a certain style of game. Which is understandable, since most browser games are "like that".
But here you have something different. This is just like those single player 4X games built in C or whatever. I just used web based languages to build it in instead.
I agree mostly. Surely strategy games aren't so demanding regarding graphics effects that they cannot run in the browser. Avantages are that you are completely plattform independent and can make updates easily and control everything and maintain only one version. Disadvantages are that this means players must be online to play, that there is potentially a lot of internet traffic and that you need a capable server in case you must do a lot of thinking (path finding, ...).
But in principle you can have exactly the same features of a traditional 4x strategy game in a browser (just play in full screen mode and it should even look the same).
I like human opponents although I prefer to play with people I know. So a lobby where you can choose with whom to play would surely increase the appeal even more.
However the biggest point is that I don't really believe you when you say that your online game is different from the other browser games and more like a traditional 4x strategy game. I base this on timing.
A traditional game you can make several turns per day or none and are finished on a day or a week. Here you want probably one turn per day and stretch the game for months. This is much more like the old browser games, even if it is wanted. I'm not sure if it gives the same experience.
The second point is the number of players. With 4-10 other players it might feel like a traditional game because each player matters. With 100+ players per game it is just another MMO browser game.
And because I want to experience all this first hand, I pm you now and volunteer for beta tester. :)