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Well, our big sale starts in 18 hours, where virtually the entire catalog will be 50% off and we'll be giving away Empire Earth: Gold Edition for free for 48 hours.

Before we get to that, though, we're going to give away one last round of bonus codes for our holiday celebration. We have 50 codes that are good for any $5.99 game in our catalog, and 50 codes that will work for any $9.99 game in our catalog. Leave a comment in this forum thread with your favorite character from a game and tell us whether you'd like a $5.99 code or a $9.99 one.

Tomorrow (12 December) at 11.00 GMT, we'll close the contest--and start our big sale--so you can get your holiday shopping on.

Happy Holidays to you all!
Academician Prokhor Zakharov from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, without a doubt!

9.99, please.
Post edited December 11, 2011 by TheRealCrane
5.99 Code for " Crusader : No Regret " would be awesome indeed.

Thanks !

They dont come any better than The Silencer !
Post edited December 11, 2011 by ravage1505
My Favorite Character is Aribeth de Tylmarande from Neverwinter Nights
What a tragic story:)

I would like a 9.99 code to buy Battle Isle Platinum.

Greetings from germany
Post edited December 11, 2011 by dargred
Jade from Beyond Good and Evil

I'd like a $5.99 code for Ultima 7 :-)
I'd have to say Minsc and Boo (sorry I know thats two but they go hand in hand) from Baldurs Gates gate series, I'd take Baldurs Gate 1
Assuming Geralt of Rivia is allowed, I pick him. he is just such a cool guy.

Given that everything will be ~50% off shortly it is probably best to get a $9.99 code because I'll be able to afford the $5.99 ones!
My favourite character is Gabriel Knight.

I'd like a 9.99 code.

My favorite Character is Jade from Beyond good and evil.

A 9.99 would be nice. Thx
Post edited December 11, 2011 by htynh
Raz from pychonauts, I would enjoy a $10 code, for baldur's gate
Ivan Dolvich from Jagged Alliance :)

I'd like to get code for $9.99 game.
The Nameless One from Planescape Torment.

$5.99 code
Deidre from Alpha Centauri. Gotta love the Gaians.

I would like a $5.99 code.
Tex Murphy from the UAKM line of games. I wish they'd bring the series back! :(

$9.99 code please!
George Stobbart
thank you
Theodorus from the Heroes Of Might and Magic series. He may never be a main character, but he's always my favorite! I'd happily take a 5.99 code!