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Well, our big sale starts in 18 hours, where virtually the entire catalog will be 50% off and we'll be giving away Empire Earth: Gold Edition for free for 48 hours.

Before we get to that, though, we're going to give away one last round of bonus codes for our holiday celebration. We have 50 codes that are good for any $5.99 game in our catalog, and 50 codes that will work for any $9.99 game in our catalog. Leave a comment in this forum thread with your favorite character from a game and tell us whether you'd like a $5.99 code or a $9.99 one.

Tomorrow (12 December) at 11.00 GMT, we'll close the contest--and start our big sale--so you can get your holiday shopping on.

Happy Holidays to you all!
My favorite character would be Sonny Bonds from the Police Quest series. I would like a $5.99 code please.
George Stobbart from Broken Sword series
$9.99 code please!
Colonel Christopher Blair from Wing Commander 3.

$9.99 Code Please
Deekin from Neverwinter Night's Hordes of The Underdark expansion. Seriously, where else would you find the most lovable kobold ever?

I'd like a $9.99 code please.
The Nameless One from Planescape Torment. Great warrior and smooth talker.

$9.99 code please.

Edit: I'm also pretty fond of Stranger from Oddworld Stranger's Wrath. How I wish Oddworld Inhabitants made the Brutal Ballad of Fangus Clot.
Post edited December 12, 2011 by TheThinkTank
Doug Wendt (aka The Tank) from Rise of the Triad, one of my all time favourites.
Would love to win a $5.99 code to load it in my library!
Hmmm, favorite characters from games?

Well, this site happens to be the home of one of my favorite games ever, Psychonauts. While the game has many excellent characters, from the understatedly strange Agent Nein to the hilariously named mean little balls of hate, one of my favorite characters from the game has to be Brenda the Lungfish. With one of the most interesting boss fights of any game I've ever played, and an entire level full of parodies of old Japanese sci-fi, she is a wonderful example of the demented, whimsical humor that makes the game so great.

As for a code? A 5.99 code, please. I've always wanted to try the Ultima series, and 7 seems like the perfect place to start.
Bob the tree growing out of the mutant's (I forgot his name) head in Fallout.
I'd like a 9,99$ code please.
Who does not love a classic? if it is a anniversary edition even more. Another World 15th Anniversary Edition

Here you'll know to Lester Knight Chaykin, He'll show you how to survive in another world with common things likes stones.

$9.99 code please :)
Post edited December 12, 2011 by yourpadre
Duke Nukem (from the original Duke Nukem 3D of course). Hail to the king, baby!

9,99$ code please.

HOMM 3 $9.99 code

9.99 code please
The Horned Reaper, of course :P

9.99 code please.
The Prince, of Persia, obviously.

I don't mind the price, the game itself is 9.99, though, so please? :P
My favorite GOG.COM game character is Tex Murphy.

I would like the $9.99.

Merry Christmas!