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Well, our big sale starts in 18 hours, where virtually the entire catalog will be 50% off and we'll be giving away Empire Earth: Gold Edition for free for 48 hours.

Before we get to that, though, we're going to give away one last round of bonus codes for our holiday celebration. We have 50 codes that are good for any $5.99 game in our catalog, and 50 codes that will work for any $9.99 game in our catalog. Leave a comment in this forum thread with your favorite character from a game and tell us whether you'd like a $5.99 code or a $9.99 one.

Tomorrow (12 December) at 11.00 GMT, we'll close the contest--and start our big sale--so you can get your holiday shopping on.

Happy Holidays to you all!
Lands of Lore
Duke Nukem
Earthworm Jim (Lombriz Jim) por $5.99 seria genial. :D
I'd love to get Divine Divinity ($5.99)
my favourite character is Abe from Abes oddworld:). I would realy like a $9.99 code gift. Make my day happy and bright please:)
Nexusis: Geoge Stobbart from Broken sword
What this man/girl said (and many others)!
The only difference between us is that I'm in for a 5.99$ code (have to get Phantasmagoria 2 finally). Cheers!
Post edited December 11, 2011 by MoP
The Nameless One from Planescape: Torment.

$9.99 code please!
I'd say that Geralt of Rivia is my favourite character from the GOG catalog.

5.99 code would be nice.
Gabriel Knight, from Gabriel Knight hahaha :D AWWW YEEEAHHH!
I'm up for a $9.99 game :)
The Prince from Prince of Persia (though his obsession with stories in the SoT creeps me out a bit).

$9.99 please
Geralt of Rivia
Definitely Edward Carnby from Alone in the Dark.

I'd like a $5.99 code please.
Rayman in the first two games. Not so much in the third game. Raymanian language > English.

I'd love a $9.99 code.
Zoltan Chivay from The Witcher 1&2.
$9.99 please :)
Minsc and Boo, no question about it!

9.99$ of BGII for the win!