hansschmucker: That on the other hand is an oversimplification. A lost sale is a REAL damage... the problem is that it's impossible to actually gather any kind of "lost sales" data from the pure amount of unauthorized distribution occurring.
Oversemplification? Oh not at all, it's a clarification :-P
To discuss in a clear and un-ideologic manner on the "piracy" issue on the whole, we must first of all have some points clear. One of this points is that P2P, or content sharing (be it music, movies or software hence videogames) is pretty different from "piracy".
Your guess on "lost sales" as of all the guesses (bullshits, indeed) I listen to every damn single day, is a misconception. You "lose" something when money isn't spent for your protected IP but for pirated goods, so that money don't go to you and you lose a sale. When "digital goods", that MUST be treated in a utterly different manner from the physical ones, are shared, no-one lose anything and you can't possibly know if that download would have been a sale or not. You can't possibly know, period. End of the story, good night, bye bye, sayonara :-D.
Clear, simple, cheap. Let's start from this point now, but don't try to kid me on this simple matter of fact, ok? :-P
I "P2P" (as a verb) anything from the dawn of times, and I've purchased so much of old and new software, music and movies just thanks to this. The new generations, the ones that don't have a deep connection with the physical media as I have (I'm in my thirties), are a deal for the industry, not for me. Stop calling me a pirate or I'll beat the hell out of you :-P