ashout: i don't like sitting in front of a computer reading articles nearly as much as thumbing through some pages, plus i enjoy the images more on mag's!
Charon121: Don't get me wrong, i enjoy it too, but glossy paper means more trees cut down and more expensive technology is needed to recycle it. Soon we will enjoy all our reading on e-ink readers, including newspapers, books and official documents. The paper will be missed, but in the old days there were probably people who likewise missed vellum or clay when paper came about. Plus, electronic documents can be instantly updated, whereas the information is already obsolete once the paper article completes the long journey from the journalist's pen to the newsagent's.
i wont argue that your right, paper is on the way out. all i'm saying is, i'm going to be one of those people who misses it when its gone, and while its still here, i'm going to take advantage of it!
as far as books go, i don't need them to be paper to enjoy them. with one exception: poetry. I enjoy reading poetry on a real paper book so much more then on an e reader. probably becuase poetry is more of an experiance, a sort of ritual i guess. i like to savor it...AND the paper its printed on! lol.