adambiser: I did read that the tomato paste on the pizza can count as a vegetable, but that's something different.
You are correct. However, let's cut the hypocrisy : you are smart enough to realize that by announcing it the way they do, they clearly promote the pizza and the unhealthy food in general. The
greasy kind of pizza, that is, that we find in most (if not every single) high school, here in Minnesota (among other gourmet food such as fried chicken, French fries, cheese nuggets, mozzarella sticks etc...).
The pizza that you describe as "balanced meal" is full of fat, "hidden" fat. The (tasteless) bread is full of crap, the lunch meat is full of crap etc... Just because you have meat and a couple of mushrooms as a topping doesn't make it a "balanced meal".
Your example reminds of what I see around here, overweight people who think that they have a good diet because they eat soup and salad. If only it was a real veggie soup, or a nice salad-vinaigrette, instead of having a 4k calories soup full of preservatives and a lettuce buried under toppings and gooey ranch dressing.
Don't get me wrong though, I like fried chicken, American pizza and 4k soup. But if you consider those as balanced meals, then you have a problem.