Posted February 04, 2014
Genes in Space is a phone game available from the App Store and Google Play. It's kind of like which mapped proteins for things like AIDs ([url=]gamers solved the structure in 3 weeks, scientists had been working on it for 15 years.) Anyways, in Genes in Space you track patterns that something something science something something helps analyze DNA to see if it is susceptible to cancer and is hella-useful to doctors and scientists. Basically, gamers are really awesome at spotting patterns and, well, playing games, which is something that AI still struggles with. More info here:
App Store:
Google Play:
It's free. Throw it on your phone. Play it on the toilet. Fly a spaceship. Help science. It's win-win!
Genes in Space is a phone game available from the App Store and Google Play. It's kind of like which mapped proteins for things like AIDs ([url=]gamers solved the structure in 3 weeks, scientists had been working on it for 15 years.) Anyways, in Genes in Space you track patterns that something something science something something helps analyze DNA to see if it is susceptible to cancer and is hella-useful to doctors and scientists. Basically, gamers are really awesome at spotting patterns and, well, playing games, which is something that AI still struggles with. More info here:
App Store:
Google Play:
It's free. Throw it on your phone. Play it on the toilet. Fly a spaceship. Help science. It's win-win!