Arianus: I can honestly say I'd rather Microsoft and Sony NOT release a new console but at the moment with Nintendo gearing up for something new it might push them to release something even if its just a hint at what is to come. Like i said in the opening though I'd rather not spend 600 now just to find out 12 months down the road a new console is out from Microsoft.
Supposedly MS has already given early dev consoles to EA and possibly others (though they deny it), but I wouldn't expect anything too earth-shattering from either MS or Sony on the console side of things. Whatever Nintendo has to offer will not really be "next gen" but just catching up to this gen since the Wii, for all intents and purposes is last gen technology (i.e. equivalent to the PS2 or original Xbox). That won't push either Sony or MS to go ahead with the inevitable new console war just yet. Besides, at least in the case of Sony, the current gen consoles are supposed to have a 10 year life span (not actual life span, but time as a viable platform) and we are only about 5 years in right now. If you are considering a PS3, now would be the time to get one (well, after this month when they get PSN back up); you already have a huge library of games out in the new, used and classic re-issue markets, there are still at least 5 years worth of games to come and if what happened in the past with the prior Playstation models is any indication, the best games for the platform haven't even arrived yet.
BTW - Where are you spending $600 on a PS3? I got my 320GB Move bundle (console, Move controller and camera, regular PS3 controller, one game) for $350 at Best Buy less than a month ago. I can't imagine anywhere else is selling them for much more than that.