Grargar: I can't speak for all games, but at least for Modern Warfare 2, the development budget was 50 millions, while the marketing one was an astounding 200 millions.
That reminds me of Atari back in the day, they spent like 30 Million to get a license for ET, then gave the dev like 2 months to make a game so they could put it out by Christmas...
edit: Anyways, about whining about modern gaming prices...
The market is saturated with too many titles, if they were all $60 then only a few games would be selling. New games come out every month, for consoles and PC, and they backdate quite far giving us way too much competition.
Back in the day, you had say Sega and
SNES games, right? Well you could probably buy every (
unique) game on the shelf at full price and not break $1000. Today? What was it, 6 wide, 6 tall, 6 display boxes... And triple that for handhelds... I'd bet if you bought every game you'd break over 10k easy, though that's only for the consoles and the 3 majors and handhelds...
Honestly? My hard limit for a game is $40, but it has to be a
REALLY REALLY good game, or really get my interest at the time (
Which i've done twice, and both times i've quit under 10 hours of play). I won't look at games in Walmart over $20, and for Digital Distribution my target is usually $5-$10.