JamesGecko: Over 10% of mobile gaming revenue is on the iPhone, and it's not gaming platform?
Where the fucking joystick on the damn phone? :-) "Mobile games" money are pennies compared to the VIDEO GAMES business. You know it's clearly a completely different matter if you sell 1 million copies of StarCraft II compared than 1 million downloads of some shitty Tetris clone you have to control by randomly jamming on the screen....
JamesGecko: It's helped enable several notable indie game developers to gain acclaim and recognition, and it's not a gaming platform?
Indie games are flourishing. On the PC. Since the dawn of times. All this besides the console digital delivery platforms. And you really think you need a stupid "phone" to gain respect in the "gaming" community? I don't get it....
JamesGecko: One of the legends of game development has been building stuff for it on a regular basis, and it's not a gaming platform?
He's lost his mind, clearly. Too much Ferrari(s), maybe (or that was Romero? Hum...)....
JamesGecko: And it's the
iPhone users who are fanboys? ;-)
Yeah, because just a fanboy would spent an astronomical amount of money to buy a phone and pretend it is a gaming platform and a true revolution for human kind. Oh, and all this besides the fact that the Apple platforms are the
Disneyland of Computing, of course. No revolution, just another walled garden.