ashout: i can't get enough of this game. original? maybe not. hard? certainly not unless you up the difficulty. good graphics? yes, great graphics!
the missions are varied too, its not just one firefight after the next. theres racing sequences, sniper missions some sort of mailbox thing that i havn't gotten to yet but was hinted at.
plus, every time i upgrade my system i look for a great new game that pushes my systems specs, last time it was dark messiah of might and magic, this time its rage, the first time it was alien versus predator(the very first pc one in 3d).
what ends up happening is i get really biased toward the game and see only the good in it, which is what has happened to me with rage. I basically am playing exactly as the developer intended, with love in my eye for every little thing that happens to me in the game.
great way to play any game actually, give it the benefit of the doubt, and try your hardest to love the game as much as you can, if you do that, and you still can't, then the game wasn't for you at all. lol.
You get mail missions to do once you reach the second town, you have to drive around the wasteland as fast as possible and deliver stuff to the mailboxes you will have seen, you get a time limit and it gets harder with each challenge.
I loved the variation in the locations, favorite has to be Dead City and also the final area before the bunker with the clan you see on the trailers and the zip lines, looks amazing. I can't wait until they do a sequel. It is literally one of those games where you don't have to think about it to much and literally just enjoy it for what it is