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Here goes one of the greatest minds of the last century. RIP
Not very unexpected.
I suppose it's too bad he won't be writing any more books.
actually I didn't know that he was still alive.

But definitley a loss, though... :(
Man, this is a sad day indeed. I loved his works from the Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451 to the The Illustrated Man.
One the greatest SF/F writers of all-time. RIP :(

One of the best books that I ever read going through high school was Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, recommended to me by my Gr. 10 English teacher. A great read for anyone who's a sci-fi fan.
R.I.P. Mr. Bradbury.

Loved Fahrenheit 451.
Dear Mr. Bradbury,

Thank you for your work. If it wasn't for you, I would have never visited Mars or got to know the taste of dandelion wine. Thank you for your work. Rest in peace.
Post edited June 06, 2012 by JudasIscariot
I have never read The Martian Chronicles, but I will check up on it right now.

Loved Fahrenheit 451, it was one of the novels that introduced me to literary science fiction in the first place.

May your rest in peace, Mr. Bradbury.
JudasIscariot: I would have never visited Mars
I'm pretty sure we would've heard if you had visited Mars.
Wait a minute.. I think I get it.. it's one of those artistic license thingamajobs right?
Post edited June 06, 2012 by Smannesman
Another one of my heroes, gone forever. Very sad indeed. Farewell Mr. Bradbury and thanks for all the great stories and inspirations. The world lost a great man today. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends. :-(
Condolences to friends and family, RIP.

Sci-fi fueled my imagination like no other genre. Mr Bradbury and other great Sci-fi writers took me into the unknown many, many times . . . a debt that cannot be repaid.
A giant of the genre is gone. Rest in peace, Ray Bradbury.
Rest in Peace, Ray Bradbury!

You might be gone, but your fabulous work will always be here to amaze us. We won't forget you!