tinyE: It takes just as much faith to believe in something you can't prove exist than it does to not believe in something you can't prove doesn't exist.
That really doesn't add anything to the thread it just happens to be a moniker of mine that I keep close to the vest.
SirPrimalform: By this logic, I have faith that ideas I haven't even conceived of don't exist, which is ridiculous. A lack of belief does not require or even imply a faith in non-existence.
I only said it was my moniker, I never said it was a good one. :P Seriously, I only use it as a self defense mechanism for people who consider me incapable of love or compassion or even emotion all together because I don't believe in a god. NO ONE in this forum has ever accused me of that, and if anyone ever did that's fine, to each his own, but I still like to toss that little bit out there. If at any point I start writing books on the subject and or appearing on Oprah to talk about it, then I'd be worried. Until then I'm just a harmless kook in a game forum. :D