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tangledblue11: You don't have a "throwaway" candidate in an election that showcases the weakest incumbent president since 1980. Americans understand 2008 was a big mistake - why would anyone consider this election "unwinable"?
He won't hold up through November and will get slaughtered in the debates. You'll see.
The only clear fact so far in this election is that it's the same as most others. We don't have a damn clue to what is going to happen. I hope Obama wins, obviously there's some Romney supporters in this thread and opinions are mixed and divided. There's really not much reason to debate this any further is there guys? The point is, it could turn either way in a heart beat, and NOBODY knows how, in what way, how hard, how fast, and nobody can say who will win yet, and the answer will probably be even less clear on election day, or even half way through the ballot count. So what more can we say than "Good Luck Obama, Good Luck Romney, I hope my guy wins but only the future knows."
tangledblue11: We also understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch. All those social benefits and universal healthcare you enjoy are paid for by someone else.
Yeah, whichs means that certainly when somebody receives health care, it uses up some of your tax money and when YOU receive health care, it uses up - wait for it, waiiit for it ! - SOMEBODY ELSE's tax money !! That's called solidarity: we all live in the same country, we all share the expenses and the benefits. That's just common sense.

tangledblue11: Your country is a perfect example of why America doesn't want what you have. France is in horrendous economic shape and moving to left is only going to make things worse. Greece is a few steps ahead of us all and they've had to cut medical services because they can't afford them anymore.
And what makes you believe that France want what you have?? Don't make me laugh, America is the first promoter of "fair trade"... while enforcing strict protectionist rules to save its own industry and agriculture. The day you (the USA) will play along the rules of the book you mainly wrote, we'll talk again. And NEVER forget that Europe is in that shape now because some american-based notation agencies (S&P, etc...) decided to downgrade them when they have for the most part been responsible for it!!! Don't ever forget that Goldman Sachs was consulted by Greece's government (or S&P? one of these two) about some high risk stock market gamble and that, despite the fact that at that time Greece wasn't in a better economic shape, the agencies greenlighted them... only to stab them in the back a couple of years later.

tangledblue11: I would also mention that Americans tend to be avid historians and the history of socialism extolls two traits more than any other: murder and poverty. I will simply say I disagree with your assessment of not having socialist governments. To some degree most western European countries are socialist (and America too, of course) they just aren't maxed out on the scale of socialism. Because America is lower on that scale, we still draw people because of opportunities for a better life if you're willing to work for it. I would never even consider leaving the US for France in hopes of finding a better life.
Like MANY american (happily not everybody), you demonstrate in your posts that you have no clue of what socialism is. For you "historians", "socialism" is an insult thrown in the political debate, as much as a Godwin point, and a scarecrown much like "shut up kids, or the evil socialist will come and collectivize your toys!!". That's just plain ridiculous. I see that MacCarthysm is still alive and kicking in the USA.

I'm glad you would never leave the USA for France, because you would obviously be very disappointed by the disturbing lack of russian tanks, knife-between-the-teeth bolsheviks and unending queues before empty shops in the streets!
I, for one, know that America has so far nothing for me and that Japan and France reward the hard-working-me better than your country would.
QC: The only clear fact so far in this election is that it's the same as most others. We don't have a damn clue to what is going to happen. I hope Obama wins, obviously there's some Romney supporters in this thread and opinions are mixed and divided. There's really not much reason to debate this any further is there guys? The point is, it could turn either way in a heart beat, and NOBODY knows how, in what way, how hard, how fast, and nobody can say who will win yet, and the answer will probably be even less clear on election day, or even half way through the ballot count. So what more can we say than "Good Luck Obama, Good Luck Romney, I hope my guy wins but only the future knows."
I think Obama has the clear edge because he did at least enough, and Romney was never the GOP's first pick. As for me, I'll vote Obama, but only because I think the Republicans have become a bunch of dim-witted, god fearing hillbillies.
StingingVelvet: From the speech transcript:

"I will honor the institution of marriage."
HereForTheBeer: Seven words about marriage translates into being against gay and lesbian folks? Really.
Of course it means that. What else could he possibly mean? What else is going on in the United States right now that is seen by Republicans as a "threat" to the institution of marriage? Heterosexual infidelity? Nope. Heterosexual domestic abuse? Nope. The heterosexual divorce rate? Nope.

Most Republicans claim that same sex marriage is a threat to the institution of marriage. DOMA stands for "Defense of Marriage Act" after all. They consider banning same sex marriage and banning federal recognition of same sex marriage from states where it is legal as "defending" marriage. Gays and Lesbians not getting marriage = marriage is safe to them. Gays and Lesbians getting marriage = an attack on marriage to them. So yes, those seven words signify that he is against gay and lesbian folks.
Post edited September 08, 2012 by DarkZephyr
xa_chan: Snip
Most of your post is emotional in argument and therefore a waste of words but I will touch base on two points that I can see some rationality in. First, Americans like me agree with you about our protectionist behaviors. To this day that is a holdover from the FDR presidency. Reagan finally undid most of FDRs terrible trade/market policies but not all of them.

Second, the fact that you can deal only in extremes in terms of government systems betrays how uneducated you are. As I mentioned, varying degrees of anything exist in life: including socialism. My point is that socialism has a history of misery and poverty which explains the aversion of Americans to that form of government. However, because I actually know enough to see the various shades of life, I can see that most western countries are a mix of capitalist and socialist (or facist, in the case of the US).

Just because you don't have military roaming the streets in France doesn't mean your government - which is tilted more toward socialism than capitalism - isn't being bankrupted and lessened by your poor choice of government. It's the same reason why America has struggled for the past few decades.
Post edited September 08, 2012 by tangledblue11
DarkZephyr: Heterosexual infidelity? Heterosexual domestic abuse? The heterosexual divorce rate?
Isn't that Newt Gingrich in a Nutshell.
tangledblue11: Most of your post is emotional in argument and therefore a waste of words but I will touch base on two points that I can see some rationality in. First, Americans like me agree with you about our protectionist behaviors. To this day that is a holdover from the FDR presidency. Reagan finally undid most of FDRs terrible trade/market policies but not all of them.

Second, the fact that you can deal only in extremes in terms of government systems betrays how uneducated you are. As I mentioned, varying degrees of anything exist in life: including socialism. My point is that socialism has a history of misery and poverty which explains the aversion of Americans to that form of government. However, because I actually know enough to see the various shades of life, I can see that most western countries are a mix of capitalist and socialist (or facist, in the case of the US).

Just because you don't have military roaming the streets in France doesn't mean your government - which is tilted more toward socialism than capitalism - isn't being bankrupted and lessened by your poor choice of government. It's the same reason why America has struggled for the past few decades.
I'm utterly speechless about your attitude, which basically boils down to "America n°1, the rest of the world is shit". Interesting. Continue dreaming. It's better than facing the truth, I guess.

Don't go all hypocrit on me like that. You're the one saying protectionism is bad, but when a company is relocating in Asia or somewhere else, costing jobs to America, you're among the firsts to scorn that company. A bit of decency would be nice.

Uh-uh, true, socialism (which is a word you use when you should use communism, but you don't seem to be able to tell them apart - talk about being educated) has had its share of misery and poverty - whereas the USA, it is of public knowledge, has no poverty and no misery.

Funny how a poor guy in America is a dumbass who has simply missed his chance in life because of his own incompetence and stupidity, when a poor guy in any other country in the world is obviously oppressed by a socialist/communist government... Talk about balanced view and "shades of life"!

I start to wonder if you really exist or if you're trolling...

So, pray tell me, Chivalrous Knight of Balaced Views on Life, have you spent time in foreign countries? In Europe? Somewhere else? Despite the obvious ironic tone of my question, it IS a real question.

Back on topic, what scares me about Romney is his obvious lack of diplomacy. Remember when he openly criticized Olympic Games organization in London while being in London with the UK Prime Minister?

I know a President has a staff that help him or her to make speeches or decisions, but that's not heralding of the best for him...
StingingVelvet: Kerry and Romney are both throwaway candidates IMO, sent out to fail.
tangledblue11: You don't have a "throwaway" candidate in an election that showcases the weakest incumbent president since 1980. Americans understand 2008 was a big mistake - why would anyone consider this election "unwinable"?
That's partisan bollocks, it's sad you don't know that.
crazy_dave: Do they indeed? I far from consider this election un-winable for Romney, but if the election were held right this instant (or anytime this summer after the Republican primary ended), Obama would beat Romney. Now Romney still has an excellent chance of turning his fortunes (couldn't resist the pun) around, but this is a very divided electorate.

Making blanket statements about what Americans want is a bit silly. Shockingly different americans want very different things. I hate when politicians (and everyone else) say things like that regardless of their political orientation - as if 51% polling means "America has spoken". When it's your party, making a decision that happens to agree with polls is serving the people and leadership when it does not. When it's the other party, it's weak-willed cowardice when the decision agrees with polls and defying the will of the American people it does not. The same goes double-all for elections. 53% one way or the other become "a mandate". Even if true in terms of political power, it's silly to then say "Americans want X" as though we all agree.

Further Orcish and Velvet are right in that Romney is about the weakest, reasonable candidate the Republicans could've fielded. Many Republican stars did not, for some reason, want to run for the office right now. Hence their statement, that Romney appears sacrificial.
tangledblue11: I'm referring to the fact that 2/3s of Americans say the country is moving in the wrong direction. It is difficult to discuss politics and civics with people when I have to start from the foundation on every single comment.

It is not a blanket statement. The vast majority of Americans know this is not what we need. If not for our freakish media outlets Romney would be up +10 right now. I still think he'll win popular vote by 3-4 points in November.
Yeah, a lot of those "2/3 of Americans" blame the (R)s for that bullshit...
Post edited September 08, 2012 by orcishgamer
HereForTheBeer: Seven words about marriage translates into being against gay and lesbian folks? Really.
DarkZephyr: Of course it means that. What else could he possibly mean? What else is going on in the United States right now that is seen by Republicans as a "threat" to the institution of marriage? Heterosexual infidelity? Nope. Heterosexual domestic abuse? Nope. The heterosexual divorce rate? Nope.

Most Republicans claim that same sex marriage is a threat to the institution of marriage. DOMA stands for "Defense of Marriage Act" after all. They consider banning same sex marriage and banning federal recognition of same sex marriage from states where it is legal as "defending" marriage. Gays and Lesbians not getting marriage = marriage is safe to them. Gays and Lesbians getting marriage = an attack on marriage to them. So yes, those seven words signify that he is against gay and lesbian folks.
No. Those seven words could be translated (fairly) into wanting to prevent those in the gay community from marrying. It says nothing about how they feel about the gay and lesbian folks themselves.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not defending the stance to "defend" marriage or any other such claptrap. My position is the opposite, in fact; for one, it goes against the original intent of the Constitution. But I don't think it's fair to make the connection that "defending" marriage means that one opposes homosexuality.

Here's what I said much earlier in the thread:
Obama made a speech too, it's here
Looks like you guys have had a pretty good internet discussion on this.

To throw another log on the fire: Fivethirtyeight is now giving Obama an 80% chance of winning.
Everybody with any interest in politics or voting rights in the US should watch Bill Clinton's speech.

It shows what politics should be. He is attacking the GOP on issues and not personally. Making a passionate statement about politics he believes in and showing what bi-partisan cooperation can achieve. Considering his good relationship with the Bushs (both kinds), he was the perfect person to deliver such a speech. (Yes, George W. Bush actually did some pretty decent stuff, when he wasn't being mislead by his Dick).

And for the facts :
Lol, that made my day. :)
Talking about US-politics on a Polish dedicated computer games site. But then again the presidential race between a kenian muslim and a moron, err, mormon tax dodger has some good entertainment value for outsiders.
xa_chan: I'm glad you would never leave the USA for France, because you would obviously be very disappointed by the disturbing lack of russian tanks, knife-between-the-teeth bolsheviks and unending queues before empty shops in the streets!
I, for one, know that America has so far nothing for me and that Japan and France reward the hard-working-me better than your country would.
France is nice, I'd consider giving up my left testicle to live near Marseille and enjoy the beaches and women for the rest of my life.
HereForTheBeer: No. Those seven words could be translated (fairly) into wanting to prevent those in the gay community from marrying. It says nothing about how they feel about the gay and lesbian folks themselves.
While you're technically correct, there's a pretty strong correlation between opposition to gay marriage and people who are flat out bigoted. I'm sure they exist, but I've yet to find the person who objects to gay marriage on a purely economical basis.
Post edited September 09, 2012 by orcishgamer