mushy101: Leaving pirates in peace is what we want more of. That's it.
Phaidox: Fixed your post, too. Spinning someone else's arguments to reinforce your own position is fun, isn't it?
To be honest, way too often do certain people here jump to pirates' defence, attempt to belittle the problem, verbally attack the companies (latest example:CDProjekt) trying to fight piracy even.
The select stupid posters verbally attacked CDP, most of us pointed out the dire (and proven) consequences of pursuing IP tracking. aaaaaaaaand guess what? We were right, because CDP changed the decision, before anyone innocent got hurt.
Being frank, we deserve the whole DRM issue going on, we've just sat on our collective asses and did nothing as a whole whilst DRM as a
enitity not a service, rolled onto us. Yeah it's changed with pc gamers showing that DRM free is viable, with indie games FLOURISHING on our platform, GoG expanding nicely and GamersGate growing stronger. Not to mention Humble bundle making over 10 million so far, overall.
These models work, the reality is our platform requires thought, sense, understanding and most importantly, community interaction to get the most out of. At the risk of insulting console gamers, we really do have a base level of higher intelligence and due diligence. I mean you have to to build a computer and maintain it properly. The industry is showing that it does not want to invest in that type of thinking, hence the ancient responses in regarding piracy. Other industries have learnt and suffered the effects of a blitzkrieg on piracy, none have won.
We are seeing new, workable, successful ways in understanding and beating piracy, why should we not criticize the old methods? Make yet another wrong that does no one good?
Locking up potential consumers does not making anything right, making someone who downloads a game pay a lifetime of fines only serves greed. It does not beat piracy, it does not promote a reputable image of the prosecuting company and it remains a vicious cycle.
and I'll tell you one thing, pirates do provide a better service then pubs do. The bullshit of not releasing a game worldwide simply because the pub is artificially holding it back is something else. The digital age should solve this problem, but lo and behold, the big pubs are still half assing it.