jamyskis: My UK copy of Albion (oh how I wish I could get hold of an original German copy) runs fine in DOSBox, so the problem is highly llkely to be a missing CD.
Bear in mind that the CD does contain certain assets (videos) that are read from the CD either way. Albion does give you different levels of installation, but the videos can't be installed to the hard drive. At least not in the usual way - you can of course image the CD and run that off the hard drive.
If you ever happen to come across a version of albion selled as "Bestseller Games" in the magazine of the same name be warned that at least my version allways crashed during the cut scene that was played after leaving the Toronto.
Thinking about it makes me still angry. (well, not only because of the crashing magazine disk, but also because my mom threw the original game away years after i moved out of my parents place, because,...well...who would need such old stuff anyway? GRRR!)
At least i do still have both CDs and can play the game whenever I want to.
Well, I coul if I could get it working in DOSBox without horrible graphic errors and glitches that is. :-)
Edit: both german albions selled at amazon are bestseller games magazine cds.