Posted January 17, 2010

Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 17, 2010
Jon Stewart put him best: "I think I know the cause of your heart problems, Rush Limbaugh. It's because you don't have a heart."

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

I believe Steven Colbert said something along the lines, that Rush speaking is like him wearing a diaper and bending over in front of the audience. Or something completely different.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted January 17, 2010
Did that page not load properly or did that letter consist of 2 paragraphs?
Based on my limited exposure, they both seem to be arrogant dicks who think that because they get paid to talk shit for a living that somehow they're important but at least ebert seems to be less soullessly hostile and insulting to everything and everyone he disagrees with
Based on my limited exposure, they both seem to be arrogant dicks who think that because they get paid to talk shit for a living that somehow they're important but at least ebert seems to be less soullessly hostile and insulting to everything and everyone he disagrees with

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

Based on my limited exposure, they both seem to be arrogant dicks who think that because they get paid to talk shit for a living that somehow they're important but at least ebert seems to be less soullessly hostile and insulting to everything and everyone he disagrees with
That is pretty much my opinion on the matter. Yep. They a a couple of bloviating blowhards. I used to listen to Limbaugh in the mid-90s. He was actually fairly relevant back then. Now he just tends to spew Republican talking points to 'Ditto-heads', thus retaining his high ratings. I am not even sure if he believes half of what he spews any longer.

Resident Old Man
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010

Based on my limited exposure, they both seem to be arrogant dicks who think that because they get paid to talk shit for a living that somehow they're important but at least ebert seems to be less soullessly hostile and insulting to everything and everyone he disagrees with
Well said, I actually don't know a single person that listens to Limpbah . . . but there must be some out there . . . somewhere. (I'm an Independent, so I'm not bashing him to hold a party line)

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted January 17, 2010
I dont know why anyone would listen to that idiot fat dumb-f*** for anything else than some cheap laughs. I don't care if roger ebert or anyone else calls on him.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted January 17, 2010
Heh, same here. I am a fiscal conservative (a little to the right of Ayn Rand :P), but a social liberal. This pretty much means i am on the outs with both the liberals (I hate government spending) and the conservatives (I don't care if people want to hump/marry goats, as long as they don't tell me about it).
There is a T-Shirt that sums up my opinions quite well:
It has a face of Bush 43 morphing into Obama, with the text "Worst President ever... until now."
Sorry for the slight off topic comment, but... oh well.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 17, 2010
Oh god, political commentary on a game forum? Say it ain't so!
Being a liberal I am mostly (actually, very) against conservatives because I feel that they're too busy doing things that benefit themselves. In Canada we have a nutjob for a Prime Minister who's busy suspending parliament so they can skim over all the important things until March.
That was very off topic.
Being a liberal I am mostly (actually, very) against conservatives because I feel that they're too busy doing things that benefit themselves. In Canada we have a nutjob for a Prime Minister who's busy suspending parliament so they can skim over all the important things until March.
That was very off topic.

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 18, 2010
Eh im pretty middle of the road when it comes to the sides,
What bugs the ever living dog shit out of me is when a policitan/random talking head goes on and fucking on about shit when they have absolutly no asdjkfhjak clue what the fuck is happening.
It costs me 1,000 USD for a textbook I could get online for 50 bucks, why... Because each student has to be enrolled in UC Sac campus before USAID will allow them to enroll in my course. Now these guys are in no way are getting a 4 year degree or anything. But because the way the contract was drawn up I spend over 300,000USD per Semister just on books, and red tape.
Each class.... is enrollment at a different is just nucking futs the goverment in it's infinte wisdom would waste money like that. I am sure UC Sac has the same 100 level math class that UC Davis has.
What bugs the ever living dog shit out of me is when a policitan/random talking head goes on and fucking on about shit when they have absolutly no asdjkfhjak clue what the fuck is happening.
It costs me 1,000 USD for a textbook I could get online for 50 bucks, why... Because each student has to be enrolled in UC Sac campus before USAID will allow them to enroll in my course. Now these guys are in no way are getting a 4 year degree or anything. But because the way the contract was drawn up I spend over 300,000USD per Semister just on books, and red tape.
Each class.... is enrollment at a different is just nucking futs the goverment in it's infinte wisdom would waste money like that. I am sure UC Sac has the same 100 level math class that UC Davis has.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted January 18, 2010
$1000 for a textbook? What the FUCK? My individual SUBJECTS are less than that. Our texts are between $80 & $150 depending on how much they want to walletrape you

Who am I?
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States
Posted January 18, 2010
Well the book costs 300 with shipping and all that... the enrollment, paperwork, fees, etc etc etc etc etc etc are what drive up the cost