Novotnus: I guess that's OK. Here in Poland we have obligatory government health insurance and for lots of money paid for that insurance we get healthcare that's crappy beyond wildest imagination - so if anybody really cares about health, he\she has to pay another insurance for something that isn't totally worthless.
Starmaker: Same here. I was extremely sick (left arm didn't work) and went to a doctor that
my employer paid for - so, better than "free". The doctor made me write the suggested course of treatment on my own piece of paper in my own handwriting and then said that, since they lacked an x-ray machine, she couldn't properly diagnose me, so she wrote NO COMPLAINTS in my med record. Fucking centipede-infested gender-neutral sex organ, that doctor.
That sounds brutal.
The public health care has deteriorated in Finland over the years - but still, despite all the complaining its pretty damn good. Ofcourse if youre working in some company you propably can you some private doctor as well - but i dont see any reason to run away from the public sector. Actually private doctor has sent me to public doctor, as i got the particular tests done faster and cheaper that way.
Anyway, I think it should be pretty damn obvious that free, proper health care would be good for everyone - even to those who "dont need it". I mean, think about all the people who have mental problems and cant get them treated - you wouldnt want to live next to untreated schizoprenic or seriously lunatic manic-depressionist person would you?
Similarly there are lot of people who cannot work because the ill one way or the other, but COULD if they just got themselves treated - be it physical or mental.
Heck - if nothing else it would be even in the super rich people's best interest to offer as much free health care services as they could. You wouldnt want to live in a sick society would you?