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+1 but not entering. I own this on the Gamecube and didn't like it that much.
There are quite a few "phenomenons" on my family...

With me, don't know if it's something extraordinary, but I remember as if it were today, when my grandfather was on a bed in a hospital, my mother and I were in a room studying.. I was thirsty and went to get some water to drink, when I picked up the glass, I got scared of something. I screamed and broke the glass in my hand. 5 minutes later the phone rings, my grandfather had passed away ...
That was like 15 or so years ago... and was one of the worse days in my life...

Curiosity: the music we were listening at the time? "Who Wants to Live Forever?"
Post edited September 25, 2012 by Stooner
Awesome giveaway, +1. Not entering.
Thank you for all your entries this far - it's even better than I expected =)

Reading through them I've made the observation that SETI and all those people looking for crop circles, crying statues and stuff have got it all wrong - they should be searching for grandparents instead; grandmothers in particular - that's where it's at =P
Not entering but I'll just leave this here:


(>^.^)> XKQL-JCRB-FEBJ-FXM6 <(^.^<)
Post edited September 25, 2012 by RayRay13000
Thanks for the giveaway. I'll enter for the behalf of my brother, so no trading, but a gift for him IF I win.

When I was a small child, when I was about five-years-old or so, I had severe skin rash that no amount of medication was able to help me at that time. So my parents asked a visiting preacher from out of town, who happened to come to our house, to pray for me.

Since I was a child back then, I did not close my eyes when they (the preacher, my parents, and my older brother) prayed together in the living room. I felt like during the middle of the prayer a couple hands were laid on my head. I was not sure who it was. Then a few hours later after the preacher left the house I asked my mom, dad and brother whose hands were those. They said those were not theirs. Dad contacted the preacher and asked him, and he also said those were not his hands. I could swear I feel hands on my head, but they all were sure they did not lay their hands on my head during the prayer. Nobody else were in the house that night.

Anyway, my skin got better not long after that, and I was cured. Until today I still do not know whose hands were those.

There... not as supernatural as you would have expected, I gather, but it is all true story.
RayRay13000: Not entering but I'll just leave this here:

(>^.^)> XKQL-JCRB-FEBJ-FXM6 <(^.^<)
Thank you so much, I redeemed it, so i am out of the contest. Thanks again!
+1 to you, too.
And congratulations to xxxIndyxxx!
pH7: You're probably right on the exercise part but I'm not so sure about any machinery being involved..
AFnord: If my neighbor is doing what I think you are referring to, then I'm living in a haunted house :P
It might be even scarier if machinery were involved! :D
Post edited September 25, 2012 by adambiser
Well, my grandmother died in 2007. We returned home after the wake and all the ones of the family gathered at the table. We were about 20 persons. The conversation was about my grandmother, the funeral and all the things of her life that they remembered. My aunt then, starts talking bad about her: the bad things she did to her and others and suddenly... a loud "knock knock" (like the one you do on a door) sounds in the ceiling. We all heard it and silence reigned... we were amazed at that "coincidence" and my aunt stopped talking bad about her. I do believe it was the energy of my grandmother dad did the knocking sound.
I'll take a entry in this since I've been wanting to try it for a while, and if it is going to disappear a chance to win it would be nice.

As for a supernatural experience I don't think I've ever experience anything like that. As for something un-explainable I think I've had "bits" of dream based ESP in the past, because I'll remember dreaming of something and then it happens that day. it is crazy.
AFnord: If my neighbor is doing what I think you are referring to, then I'm living in a haunted house :P
adambiser: It might be even scarier if machinery were involved! :D
Scary as in postcarnate inverted cannibalism (ref The Ghost in the Machine), or scary as in a "shaking up the ol' routine meets metal workshop" kind of way?
pH7: Scary as in postcarnate inverted cannibalism (ref The Ghost in the Machine), or scary as in a "shaking up the ol' routine meets metal workshop" kind of way?
It's all open to interpretation really. :)
pH7: Scary as in postcarnate inverted cannibalism (ref The Ghost in the Machine), or scary as in a "shaking up the ol' routine meets metal workshop" kind of way?
adambiser: It's all open to interpretation really. :)
I'm going to sleep with the lights on tonight..
tarangwydion: There... not as supernatural as you would have expected, I gather, but it is all true story.
Plenty supernatural for me - I'm an atheist ;-)
Post edited September 25, 2012 by pH7
pH7: Plenty supernatural for me - I'm an atheist ;-)
I know. I thought I vaguely recall you mentioned it somewhere in this forum. And if you didn't mention it, well, a supernatural thing just happened then, 'cause otherwise how could I know you are an atheist? :-)
It's been years and probably was sleep paralysis or something, I was lying in my bed and couldn't move just stare and I stared about few minutes death crouching in my kitchen. Well, some form of what I believe what was death. =) Eventually it faded.