EndlessKnight: The poster of the article states (in comments), that he'll be bringing the feedback/comments to a SEGA exec. ^_^
Delixe: Yeah Sega seem to want to forget the whole sorry Saturn affair but fan demand isn't letting them. This is most certainly them just dipping their toes in. It's going to require strong sales of Guardian Heroes and a lot of fan demand to keep them interested in Saturn re-releases.
just look at how much saturn games are still selling for on amazon and ebay. with no reliable Sega Saturn emulator available, fan support is the last of the issues for getting SS games out. the fact that the system was a complete bitch to program for and that most of these exclusive Sega Saturn games are going to need major programing overhauls to work right on other platforms is probably a much bigger hurdle.
do I own a Xbox 360, yes.
have I ever bought a damned thing off of XBLA, hell no.
is this game going to change that, oh yeah!
The fact that this game is hands down my favorite sega saturn title will probably lead me into buying multiple copies of it if Sega releases it in the PC too.
(now if only they leave in the debug mode codes and the 99 continues on hardmode bug so that the game is actually completable ....)