Canon Fodder - Yeah make a sequel in space, versus little martians, really great idea.
Broken Sword 2 - Hey, what if we did the next one in 3D, kids dig 3D nowadays.
AvP - The next one needs to me much more focused on the comics universe because the comics are what teens buy. And plush aliens. Hey, let's make all the aliens look like plushes. And a nice comic book plot.
Sands of Time - What ? Get rid of that faggot prince and this gay music. Kids like badass hardcore characters and metal. Look at all the other games !
Jedi Academy - Not enough QTE, please fix this for Unleashed.
Last Crusade - Multiple solutions, problems you can solve with brains or muscles ? Great. Hey, how about making it different games directly, where the player can select at the beginning if he wants action-based solutions or mind-based puzzles ? Also, I don't know about the plot, but I'm sure aliens are the future of indiana jones, and... aren't you already working on a space title of sorts, dig dug or whatever ? Great, use that one then.
Carmageddon 2 - Well, it was still too cartoony. People want gruesome. Also, at what point did you forget it's about a race ? A race, not exploration, we're not making an rpg there. Please tidy this up, TDR2000 needs a real tight timer to keep players on track.
Resident Evil 2 - Yeah, the boss fights were cool. Let's make one that consists entirely in one continuous bossfight, with one indestructible boss that you can only stun until the end. Zombies are distracting anyway.
Yeah whatever.
Post edited January 06, 2013 by Telika