Posted August 08, 2013
HiPhish: Imagine you are playign an RPG, getting immerset in the cool world and all of the sudden, just because you did something ordinary a message box pops up. "Congratulations, you did something, here is a shiny sticker!", talk about breaking the atmosphere.
Well, you can turn off the Steam overlay and a recent PS3 update allows you to turn off Trophy popups. Plus: the developers are partially to blame for implementing the trophies in a bad manner. David Cage didn't want the popups to kill the atmosphere in Heavy Rain so he made them appear between scenes even if the conditions are met during gameplay (at least so I've read, haven't played the game myself yet). Maybe MS and Sony demand achievements/trophies but I don't think that they demand a game to include achievements/trophies for trivial tasks or dozens of times during gameplay (which is the only bad side effect I really can think of), I guess the developers are to blame for being so unimaginative that the only implementation they can think of breaks the immersion or atmosphere. So neither would I criticize the very idea of that stuff nor would I blame MS and Sony for demanding it to be implemented. I think that these features can have positive effects, even boosting sales (and good sales are good for the industry and us, the gamers) and sometimes adding replay value to a game or making you try fun stuff you normally wouldn't.
Post edited August 08, 2013 by F4LL0UT