MobiusArcher: I've paid a lot more to track down used copy's of hard to find games. Im actually ok paying that price for ANY game if Its something I really want to play. I view games sort of like movies. Ill pay based on how much I like it, not how old it is. Im not actually interested in this particular game though. Im just making a point is all.
But this is something that usually applies to everything on the market, most products tend to become cheaper with time. Only when it gets really old and becomes rare that prices go up.
For an old digital title, this is an insane pricing. I would be ok by paying 20 dollars on a new physical copy, but for a digital title it just isnt worth that much in my opinion. I mean, cmon, digital titles tend to be much cheaper. Deus Ex 3 was released a few months ago and was sold for 10 dollars on Amazon a few weeks ago. AOE 3 is 6 years old now, cmon.