Posted March 10, 2010

Years ago, when DIVX was first released (Circuit City's supposed DVD "killer" not the well know video codec), just after it miserably failed most peoples said that something that phone home to let you watch a movie would NEVER... EVER works... fast forward back to today, and look we have plenty of on-line activation DRM that phone home for movies, books, games, and most peoples don't mind them (we were lucky to have DRM mostly removed from music files but that might just be a temporary victory).
Just a because a stupid idea doesn't work today doesn't means it wont in two years... it maybe just need a cuter packaging.
Most media companies dreams about an all-streaming world, and gaming companies are no exception, no more piracy, no second hand sales, no parallel importation, complete control (regional restriction, regional pricing, regional censorship, etc...). For gaming it won't probably be a "per game" monthly cost but probably a per editor, or per service (like with OnLive) but sadly the question is not "if" it will happens the only question is "when".
Post edited March 10, 2010 by Gersen