Navagon: It doesn't work for me, despite trying all sorts. Oh well. A working Win95 version of the game would be great.
Not sure if this is your problem, but this is a suggestion someone at RPS had:
I had this. Fixed it by changing screen resolution.
From the readme:
Q: Game stops when loading a map. LOG file says:
Error: setup_screen_mode: Unable to setup screen resolution
MODE_640_400_8 (mode 10)
A: The problem is that your drivers can’t support 640×400 mode.
Change the resolution config lines in KEEPERFX.CFG into:
FRONTEND_RES=MODE_640_480_8 MODE_640_480_8 MODE_640_480_8
My problem now is that it says press space to finish the level but nothing happens when I do.
Of course, if you're like us, you'll still get the space bug.